what will i spend a month?

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Feb 4, 2010
saint maries
Hey were wanting to setup a reef tank in a 90gal or 125 gal this will be our first. i've been doing a lot a reading but every thing seems all so confusing I think its going to be an hands on exp. to get it and understand everythimg just right. But my question was what it would cost me every month in food/salt Bill. Ive ask this q before other places and never get a straight answer........Please help!
well alot depends on your lighting and pumps..
I set up a 125g with two 250w MH , 2xT-5 on IC 660 one closed loop pump.Dart .
power went up 50-60 a month
Food minimal, $10-20 depends what you feed, how many fish and what kinds some spend hundreds. I am about to make my own next weekend ,grocery store here I come (Asian market would be best)
Salt I do 33 gallons twice a month, thats 66 gallons a month
salt buckets are 160 gallons for average of 40- 50$ a bucket.
You do the math (my head hurts)
There is no straight answer....
First it depends on how much you pay for electricity. Then it depends on your lighting. Will you use MH, T-5s, VHOs? Next is your circulation. Do you want a closed loop system or a few powerheads. What kind of corals you keep will also effect how much circulation you need. Softys dont require as much flow as SPS corals.
How often do you plan to do WC's?
What do you plan to feed?
There are way too many variables to even give you a clue to a monthly cost for your tank.

My old 120 cost me around $60 a month in electricity at $0.08KWH for SPS.
Then around $10 a month for homemade food.
Plus $10 for salt. 20% WC at $35 a bucket
Then more for reactor media, carbon, additives, etc.
Probably close to $100 a month by the time you added it all up.

My current 210G display tank 500 Gallon system cost me near $100 in electricity alone.
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So if you only want to calculate food and salt I would say it's not that much. I have a 90 gallon tank and I do a 18 gallon water change every two weeks. So that means a 160gal bucket of salt which cost $50 will last for 8.8 water changes. For food I would say maybe about $15-20 a month. I haven't noticed a change in my electrical bill at all. So if that is all you are worried about I would say it doesn't cost that much to run your tank. I would say it is definitely worth the cost:D
Food and Salt are going to be very minimal expenses, compared to other expenses. But they should be easy to figure out. A typical bucket of salt mix will make 160 gallons of saltwater and cost approximately $40-$50.00. Food, depending on what you're purchasing, will cost under $15.00, for decent quality food.

So, a 90 gallon tank, if you change 20% weekly, is 18 gallons/week, or 72 gallons/month. So a bucket of salt would last you almost 2 months. So, a monthly salt bill will be around $25.00.

$25.00 Salt
$15.00 Food
$35.00 Total, for Salt/Food, Monthly.
the salt and food is cheep compared to the corals that's where all the money goes
As you can tell, it's going to be difficult to nail down a hard number on costs for a tank. If you're only worried about food and salt that will actually be a pretty small number. A bucket of salt (Reef Crystals) runs me about $45 but it lasts nearly 5 months if I only have to do regular water changes. I feed Formula 1, 2, and Prime Reef, Cyclopeeze, DT Oyster Eggs, Oyster Feast, and nori. If I picked up all of those at once I'd probably pay less than $100 but again they last for quite some time. Assuming that they each ran out at the same time, which they don't, I'd probably have to spend that amount every 3 months or so. These are very general numbers but I don't think they're terribly far off the mark. As far as costs go you'll spend much more on your animals, equipment, and in time spent working in the tank than you will on food, salt, and maintenance items.

Like folks said earlier there are too many variables. My 350g SPS system cost me around $250-$300 month sometimes more for everything from power to additves per month.
And as others have mentioned, its the cost of corals that can get expensive, not the cost of electricity or food. I have three tanks set up and the electric is approx $80-$100 per month extra, but thats 3 x's the equipment, pumps, heaters, powerheads.... oh, sorry, I lied, I actually have 5 tanks running. 3 SW, 1 FW & 1 SW/QT. Food, salt, rodi water, very minimal cost there.
Like folks said earlier there are too many variables. My 350g SPS system cost me around $250-$300 month sometimes more for everything from power to additves per month.

Shhhh..... please dont mention the total costs of a large reef.

BTW, dont you think its about time to change your sig line?
Shhhh..... please dont mention the total costs of a large reef.

BTW, dont you think its about time to change your sig line?

LOL yeah it is a car payment for sure every month!

I'll get around to changing my sig line one of these days :lol::lol:
Keep your wallet open! maybe let your fish have a credit card! lol

That might work! My fish do not like new fish so it would probably be cheaper if they had control!

My answer to your question reefman is your tank will cost you monthly whatever money you can justify as available, there is always some new piece of equipment you need, a pretty piece of coral you have to have. We do not refer to it as an addiction for nothing and there is no 12 step program that I have heard of :badgrin:
That might work! My fish do not like new fish so it would probably be cheaper if they had control!

My answer to your question reefman is your tank will cost you monthly whatever money you can justify as available, there is always some new piece of equipment you need, a pretty piece of coral you have to have. We do not refer to it as an addiction for nothing and there is no 12 step program that I have heard of :badgrin:

No 12 step program but there is 12 store program LOL