where can I buy test kit?

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Sperm Whale
Feb 2, 2007
Spokane, WA
I need to know where I can possibly find a master test kit for everything under the sun to test in my tank. All I have now is a nitrite/nitrate test strip kit and I'm being told by numerous people that I need more then just that. Is there a certain brand I should get that test all that plus calcium and alk and ph levels and anything else I need? About how much do these test cost?
you can buy them on line (which i think sometimes it's cheaper if you can get into a group order :) )
Many people use the Salifert ones which so far suppose to be the good ones.
you wanna get the main ones

Nitrate, Nitrite, phosphates (some people don't have them like mua :p:D), PH (this one is one of the important ones), Calcium, Akl and some people get the magnesium ones but you dont' need that one yet unless you're planning on keeping sps.
they cost from 15 (which here in WA it's more like 27 :p) to 20 something it all depends.
Check with the locals and see if they can make you a deal dood :) .
Since you're here in Spokane, you can also purchase your test kits at either Aquatic Dreams or Aquarium Solutions. They are both out in the valley and are both sponsors of Reef Frontiers. They're also both very helpful, informative and great people. Owners are Kevin or Barbie, respectively.
both are closed until wednessday. but salifert is the way to go. the jungle labratories test strips for ph alk nitrate and nitrite work on both salt and fresh water and are great for quick reference test on a new tank. you will need to be more precise with corals but until the tank is mature you shouldnt be adding anything but hardy fish and snails.
The nitrite test isn't all that necessary. It is nice to have while doing a setup, so that you can see how the cycle is progressing, but there is no need to test regularly.

If you're looking to save $20 from the list, that would be the first one to take off.
the test strips you could get at either of the "P" stores in spokane. i have a couple extra salifert kits but not sure which ones. i will check and get back to you.
Whatever you do, make sure you get a PH test kit. In my tanks, PH is the only thing that ever fluctuates, but if you don't watch and adjust it, you can lose all sorts of critters.
Inland ocean in Hayden Lake Idaho

Inland Ocean is under new ownership and has much more supplys than before.Much more corals and all the supply's reefers need
Since you're here in Spokane, you can also purchase your test kits at either Aquatic Dreams or Aquarium Solutions. They are both out in the valley and are both sponsors of Reef Frontiers. They're also both very helpful, informative and great people. Owners are Kevin or Barbie, respectively.

lol!! you just hit me in the head dood :lol:.....he's right...Kevin would be your answer, i have only heard good things about his store and you can check out his tanks :D.