First off, I'd like someone to tell me if my bio-load is ok for my tank. I have a clarkii clown (1.5") a bi-color blenny (2.5" or so), one emrald crab, 3 small conches, 6 nassarius, 5 astreas, and one fire shrimp. Is this ok for a 20 gallon tank?? I have a CPR backpack skimmer, 2 maxi-Jet 1200's and a Aquaclear200 for running carbon and such. I have many various SPS and one Softie all of which are growing and looking great. The fish are doing great together too. Perfect pair. I did a water change today (1/3) to see if I can beat the hair algae. If my bio-load is ok, I need to get more janitors, but which ones??? I know there are nerite snails and ceriths that eat algae, but I don't know what algeas which janitors eat etc. I also have bubble algae. People who don't know anything about SW tanks think it looks cool, but it is starting to get on my nerves. What eats bubble algae!!!??? I have a brittle star in another tank. I got it as a teeny baby (its whole body was about the size of a dime or smaller) and now it's about 3" in diameter (leg to leg). Should I add him to my 20?? I know very little about these guys except that I see them when I dive in the P. Sound. What other janitors would be reccomended for my tank and how many??? I don't like crabs as everyone knows by one of my threads, but if the redleg hermits kick my algae I'll pardon them for a little bit I really like the astreas, but they can be a pain when they knock over frags and things. I guess I just want to keep my tank as clean as possible. Any suggestions on which little guys to add???