Which would be better?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
Spokane, WA
I am going to be upgrading from a 90 to a 180 pretty soon and am starting to get the equiptment together for the new setup. As far as skimming is concerned I have in my possesion right now two Urchin pro in sump skimmers. If I used both of these would that be sufficient for this sized tank or should I go out and get something like an Aqua C EV series skimmer? Thanks for the input,
Asking that question to people on here is like asking a Top fuel race driver if he wants more horsepower. LOL I dont have any experince with the urchin. I understand they are good skimmers. I dont have any experince with the Aqua C. It is also supposed to be a great skimmer. I do have the ASM G-3 and I love it. I would go with euroreefs sizing guidelines if you decide on the ASM series. I think they are more accurate than wishful. I would say more than anything it depends on stocking density and type of fish and coral you want. How much you feed and what you feed. and a bunch of other stuff as well.
I have seen urchins do a great job on 75 gallon reefs and the pro upgrade seems to be a good one. with two you should get the contact time of an aqua C and two great pumps.. Can you do this yes.. I would rearange the sump so they are more efficient but they will work.. Is it the best answer for skimming? probably not.. The only option I would look into would be selling them and then buying a bigger skimmer but for that size tank you would run ev180 or up.. Try the two and I bet they will pull as much gunk out as a bigger skimmer.