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Active member
Dec 12, 2006
Derby, UK
Hi all,

You've all been great help to me in the past so here goes,

I've had a major setback with my tank with loss of all but one fish.

I've had the tank now for a year and a half running nice and smoothly with the following:

-1 Yellow Dwarf Angel Fish
-1 Green Goby
-2 Clownfish
-1 Bangai Cardinal Fish
-1 Purple Firefish
-2 Cleaner Shrimps
-5 Blue hermit crabs and 1 Red Hermit Crab
-2 Turbo snails

-1 Leather Coral
-1 Mushroom Coral (12 polyps)(Actinodiscus)
-1 Xenia

I've had no setbacks with fish until when added a powder blue tang as my last addition to the tank just over a month ago.He's been in my quaratine tank and was showing no sign of whitespot so i added him to the show tank and then everything went wrong.The tang developed white spot and rather than transferring him back to the hospital tank i kept him in the show tank (stupid i know!) and treated him when non-chemical treatment, Parazoryne due to the corals i've got in my tank.Well all i can say is i'm gutted as in the space of two weeks i've lost all my stock apart from Bangia cardinal which is showing no signs of Ich.The corals and all the other inverts are fine.

I'm worried about adding anything now and don't really want to until i know it's safe to.I've heard that ich will stay in the tank now i've got it?Is that true.

I must be doing something wrong as i've been getting a lot of hair algae growing in the tank recently.I do a 25 litre (6 US gallon) water change every fortnight.I mix my own salt with water bought from a local dealer.The only extra's i add is Marine snow for the inverts and calcium.Should i be adding anythign else?

I've tested the water:


My set- up is:

230 Litre (60 US gallon tank)
1 External Fluval Filter (1300L/hour)(Ceramic Media,Carbon, Phosphate remover)
2 Maxi Jet Pumps (250L/hour and 1000L/hour)
1 Juwell Internal Filter (Filter sponges) with 1000L pump.
1 Red Sea Prizm skimmer

I'm really annnoyed at the moment with myselfas i've been doing so well with the tank and now have lost pretty much all my stock through being stupid and buying a powder blue tang when all the advice on here as said with this fish to stick with the experts!

Any advice would be really appreciated from you guys!

Forgot to add i've got a Vecton UV steriliser 15W run through the external fluval filter which i change the bulb every 6 months
If you feel ich was the problem, remove the one remaining fish to QT and keep him there for six weeks. While he is there you could treat him with hyposalinty. In the mean time your display tank is laying fallow allow the ich to go away. It takes six weeks to go threw the lifecycle of ich. As long as you have a fish in the display the ich has a host to continue the lifecycle.