Who cultures Copepods??

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Mar 17, 2004
Columbus, OH
Does anyone here raise copepods (intentionally)??? I was considering setting up a prop tank for pods and was wondering what worked for you and what didn't work. What size/type of pods do you cultivate?? The tank I'll be using will be a 12g eclipse nano cube. What params, temp and lighting schedules do y'all find good for pods?? Do you keep macro in their tank?? Do you feed them anything specific?? I think I've heard some people feed them phyto or something like that... Any advice for me would be appreciated. This tank will be for some extra snacks for my Mandarin (He eats pellet and frozen, but still would like some treats :)) and for my dwarf seahorses which are due to arrive this week sometime.
Hi Becky I think what Shaun posted was pretty good information. Like you I wanted a Mandarin and Before I got one I learned that refugiums are perfect spots for growing copepods or amphipods I set up 3 refugiums and I was Very lucky to talk Kevin Po. Out of some brood stock from his established tank I saw and watched a very big growth of amphipods. After DR.Adelaide joined Reef Frontiers I bought 2 bottles of her starts of Copepods and I currently have a very good supply of copepods or amphipods in my Tanks, Refugiums and in my sumps I never feed them i belive they get there food from my main tanks, But the end result is I still have that Mandarin after 2 years and I belive that, If you can connect this nano tank to your main tank,sump you can have a good supply that way. As well check out Adelaide's site good luck Becky HTH...Jeff;)


Beckmola24 said:
Does anyone here raise copepods (intentionally)??? I was considering setting up a prop tank for pods and was wondering what worked for you and what didn't work. What size/type of pods do you cultivate?? The tank I'll be using will be a 12g eclipse nano cube. What params, temp and lighting schedules do y'all find good for pods?? Do you keep macro in their tank?? Do you feed them anything specific?? I think I've heard some people feed them phyto or something like that... Any advice for me would be appreciated. This tank will be for some extra snacks for my Mandarin (He eats pellet and frozen, but still would like some treats :)) and for my dwarf seahorses which are due to arrive this week sometime.
Thanks for the info and the link! I set up a 'pod" tank yesterday. I followed the instructions in the article so I hope it works! I bought some Phyto and used that with a bottle of Ocean Pods. A few stores here carry the 4oz bottles and I was lucky to find some in stock!!! I don't see any pods in the tank yet... I guess I'll just have to be patient until they reproduce. I'll keep everyone posted on how this goes.
Hey Becky,
To see the pods try shining a flashlight at one end of the tank at night when there are no other lights and you may find hundreds gathering to the light.
This is also a good way to collect them with a siphon or turkey baster.
I might add that my daughter did her junior high science project on the reproduction of copapods. After much trial and error with a little help from Dad she discovered that they reproduced best at room temperature while being fed phyto AND a very small amount of organic food...like flake.
This was based on many different cultures "6 total" all originally started from the same culture that we got from Adelaide @ ocean pods.
She took 3rd place over all for her experiment and my refuge and main tank are packed with pods!
Keep us posted
Sounds good!!! I tried the flash light thing last night, and could only spot one or 2 very small ones. I'll see how this goes.

Sounds like a fun project for your daughter :)
Will a UV sterilizer nuke copepods or amphipods?

A very good question I personally haven't seen a decline in my tank for running a UV. But I make a point to intake my water from a main tank not a sump, Refuge or over flow where pods seem to grow the most.

Slickdonkey said:
Will running a UV sterilizer nuke copepods or amphipods?
Good question on UV

Hi There - That's a good question about the UV. It is my belief that UV at short time periods does not hurt them. I have recently tested the copepods at 24 and 48 minute exposures and found no discernible effects on survival.

I wouldn't be discouraged by just seeing two at the start. They do need some time to acclimate, and for every one that you see, there are ten to twenty adults that are not visible. For every adult, there are about 10 babies. Just give it some time, and feed them some crushed fish food to boost their growth.

Do you have a protein skimmer operating? That can sometimes suck out the pods...

Cool science project! What a great idea!

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Adelaide, The tank is now crawling with pods! I am excited because my dwarf seahorses will be very happy for the alternate food source (instead of their usual bbs). The tank is doing well, and I now deffinately see more than 2 :)