who know that kind of sea spider?

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Mar 23, 2005
Hi all, someone know this kind of sea spider, Callipallene sp.??
i have found a pic and a little description on the first book of "Modern Coral Reef Aquarium" of Fossà & Nilsen..
This very tiny spider (about 2-3mm) feed on acropora, montipora n seriatophora polyps species
the only solution than i know is a 5 minutes on 1lt of tank water with 3ml of betadine (lugols?)
Any other aquarist have find that surprise in his tank??
a web pic:
http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/OEDV/CB2003/Image/Microscopic Images/Sea Spider.jpg

thanks at all
I've never had a sea spider in my tank. How many have you seen? Here is a quote from the article And Along Came A Spider...

If an aquarium system gets infected, just how easy it is to control the pest species will really depend on the type of pycnogonid that is present. The large forms are typically slow, and readily apparent, and may be easily removed from aquaria. The small forms, on the other hand, may be quite difficult to see, as they may be as small, or smaller, than the polyps of small-mouthed corals. Additionally, they may live under the coral mucus layer, and this would further obscure them. They do not appear to be easily removed by "dips," poisons, or potential predators. Frankly, if they are found on corals in any tank, the best option would likely be to remove the coral from the tank, and simply dispose of it.

I don't know about disposing of a coral without first attempting a dip or quarantining the corals. From what I've read the larvae are parasitic, as well. If there are only a couple of corals with the spiders on them, then perhaps remove them to quarantine to keep your main tank free of those particular corals for several weeks. While the corals are in quarantine, manually remove the spiders as you see them, or try doing dips.
spiders on zoanthids

I found spiders on a zoanthid colony I recently got, the zo's kept getting holes at the bases and shriveling up, finally after a FW dip one spider came out and I pulled it off. Was very difficult, they hold on tight. A few days later still saw new damage and saw brown parallel eyelash size lines at the base of a chewed up zoanthid-another spider's legs. Took out the colony, this one I killed with a bamboo skewer since it wouldn't come out. Don't know where they come from or where they hide at night. They don't seem bothered by FW dips too much.