Why Do Snails Die?

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Nov 18, 2008
Spokane Valley
Ok I have my 55 gallon tank and it seems to be ok as a holding tank while I get my 630 going. The problem that I am seeing is when everything is going perfect with my corals and fish snails start to die.

Of course they die behind rocks and my water goes crazy since I cant see them to get them out of the tank.

My tank has never looked so good and the corals come out so huge, today I found a tubro snail dead, I am guessing dead for a few days as there was nothing left inside.

I did a extra water change just to be safe but I am wondering why is it when everything is going so perfect these things die and cause my water to freak out.

BTW with Ozone do I even need snails anymore?
i know im a new guy to the reef but i do know that if the snails falls on its back its sorta like a turtle and it cant get back up so they just die and i have noticed in my tanks that my fish and hermits and everything else eats him up. And ive not notice any difference in my chemicals in my system from when a snail has died so who knows. and i dont know about the Ozone. I doubt this helps but its something to consider. :)
they may not have enough food to eat. Mine have been dieing too. my tank is i guess to clean. so I put some in the sump
Nothing like the smell of a dead Turbo Snail!!! I recently pulled a dead one out of a rock curing tub. It'd been dead awhile. Uggghhh. It is true that a lot of snails die because when they get tipped over, they're unable to right themselves. I now try to stay away from those species. It's also true that a lot of snails starve to death.

Turbo snails need LOTS of diatoms or other micro algaes to eat, or they starve. I believe most people over stock their tanks with too many snails, which leads to a lot of them dying of starvation.
Just an idea, but I have seen and have had people tell me hermit crabs can pick at snails because they want their shells. Or when they fall over and can't get up it's like free food for the hermys and they get a nice shell if they want. I use to have a lot of hermys in my tank and noticed my snails die off fast. As of now I have only a couple and the snails seem to live with no problem.