Why does this Rose Bubble tip keep splitting?

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Shane and John

father and son
Jul 7, 2007
Puyallup Wa
So about 5 0r 6 months ago John got a rose bubble from a fellow reefer ....It was about 6" when it was fully extended...This thing has split 4 times and looks like it is ready to split again..His Bio-Cube looks like a damn annenomie Farm.......needless to say,all of his soft corals have been stung and are gone...Is there a Specific reason this thing keeps splitting?We do regular water changes and all peramiters tst fine....The lighting is two 36 watt pc lights...daylight and Actinic..His lights are on a timer and start at 9am and shut out at 8 pm.... Im my 120 gallon We have an enormous rbta that is about 12" when extended....have had it for about a year and it has never split....Any Ideas on why this is happening??? btw...The clown fish is in heaven...lol!!
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Some would call you extremely lucky! Once they start splitting, they won't stop. Just sell them off cheap and help out a fellow reefer. Mine wouldn't ever split and got to be about 16" it was so big i had to get rid of it as i was having probs with it stinging my corals.
Some anecdotal evidence says that on one hand, if you provide a healthy environment and plenty of food, BTAs will split naturally.

BTAs will commonly split when stressed, and the most common way to get a BTA to split via stress is to feed it heavily for several weeks, then do a big change such as very large water change in your reef(50% or so) or PH change, or big temp change.

How often do they get fed?
These guys seem to get fed very well....We feed formula 1 frozen food and the Clown will always make sure every one gets a chunk daily....She takes very good care of them...As for water changes..every 2 weeks we change25% ....We use instant ocean and ro/di water...the tank is kept at 80 degrees..The water perameters test virtually identical to the 120 but that one wont split...So if we are gonna get rid of a few,What is the best way to detach them from the rock....They are all attached to different pcs of rock,which John does not want to part with!
Feeding and water conditions. If both up to par then this would cause it. Also may have been ready to split whene bought and anything that multiplys that fast would be a pest in my tank.
"needless to say,all of his soft corals have been stung and are gone" I think is the answer, a battle for supremacy......? just a thought, Ive have one its about the size of a small pizza, 12 13 inches for over a year and its never split or even moved.