will these get along

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I don't think "get along" may be the right phrase so much as healthy co habitation. While both are very active species, each has a rather different temperment. The Lunare especially while small will be very inquisitive, playful and mischeivious. The bird wrasse on the otherhand is very timid, much like tangs believe it or not which would mean a good deal of continued stress. As the Lunar ages, they also become somewhat destructive and aggressive towards other species, especially clowns. Both will be a concern with mobile inverts overall but especially the Lunare with snails &decorative shrimp/crabs. Unless this is a very large (long) tank, I don't think it would be a wise choice. You can expect either to get at least 9" in a few short years if purchased as juvi's. They will both grow to 5+" in the first 2 years (captive life) depending on diet/care. I personally do not think bird wrasses do well in captivity and of the two, the Lunar would be the best solo choice. Really depends on the tank type you have and the other inhabitants kept.

I just got rid of my Lunare Wrasse. He was very active, always swimming in and out of the rock. He never slowed down and was entertaining to watch. The downside was that he was so active all the other fish avoided him. They would hide in the rocks whenever he approached. The entire tank is much happier now that he's gone. Oh and he would periodically eat a snail or two, sometimes I think he just did it for fun. Nice fish but not in a tank with other more timid species.

Tell me about it i had a 6 inch lunar wrasse that by the time he got that big he probably ate 50 snails and hermits :mad: .and having a reef he didn't fit also was very active.........DABEARS.....:D