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May 16, 2006
Spokane, Washington, United States
Well, after doing LOTS more reading, talking to some fellow hobbyists, biting my nails, crossing my fingers and most importantly praying..... I picked up a healthy Copper Banded Butterfly from Kevin a few days ago. Actually, it'll be a week tomorrow. Kevin just got the fish in, the day before. I shoulda waited to see if it ate, in store tank, but didn't. Instead, I brought it home and put it in our 40 breeder. The 40 breeder started life as a frag tank. It's evolved, or I should say, devolved, into an experimental tank...lol. When I say "experimental," think a big greenish monster (No, not the hulk) that was brought to life by way of electricity. That's right, Frankenstein... It's kind of a hog-pog mix of live rock, coral frags, small coral colonies and aiptasia, that's all been tossed in there, during a recent large tank swap, which involved 3 tanks. Some of you have seen it...and thought..."Oh my....." Some of you have seen it and openly said "Oh My!!!!"

Ahhh but I digress....It will soon be a frag tank once again, but I figured I'd use it to QT the CBB and get it eating properly, while also testing it with different types of corals and a clam. It helps that there's also a healthy population of Aiptasia in this tank. This tank has been set up for quite some time and has a very healthy pod population.

I know this isn't "success" yes, but things are looking good. So far, it's readily eating frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysid shrimp, frozen cyclopeeze and frozen Rod's Food...Woohoo.

So far, it's all but ignored the 7 or 8 small colonies of unimpressive Zoanthids that are spread throughout the tank. Yeah, it's going to wait for the "impressive" colonies....lol. It's also not bothered a few forgotten Acan frags, a Favia frag or 2 and several different SPS and LPS There's also a bit of Xenia, some of Charlie's famous Hairy Mushrooms and a few other mushrooms that it's ignored.

It does seem that the population of Aiptasia "MIGHT" have diminished, but it's going to take more observation before I'm sure of that.

I have not introduced a clam into the tank yet, but plan to in the future, as a test. Looking back, I should have introduced a clam, PRIOR to introducing the CBB. Oh well, time will tell. I still could do this, by placing the CBB in the sump for a few days, doing a bit of re-arranging and introducing a clam. As I said, for now this tank is Frankentank.

The only other fish in this tank, is a Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel. The two seem to get along splendidly.
Those lil inline valves, on the 2 output lines, were hanging over the 10 gallon, with 5 gallons of water, that I had the Berghia growing out in. The valves leak, so were dripping low pH into that 5 gallons of water...lol. Took me awhile to figure out what was going on....but finally figured it out when I tested the pH of the Berghia's water.

Now those inline valves are over the sump....lol.
Oh well, gave me an excuse to buy a CBB. Now to just make sure it's Zoanthid and Clam safe, before putting it in the 200...lol. Even so, I'll be making a mini-harpoon, BEFORE putting it in the 200, just in case!!!

You should try fitting him with a waterprrof electirc shock collar, then just buzz him everytime he gets close to the corals! :D
Following along on this because I am thinking of adding a CBB to my tank in the near future. Berghias haven't been working out for me ;) and in the very near future I'll be able to move my clams to my rimless display frag/anemone/clam tank. Plus, CBB's are just so dang pretty!

Let us all know how it goes.Is it eating any pellet, flake, or freeze dried food yet?
Wow. I'm sorry to hear that as well. If it is any encouragement for a future CBB, mine has never looked twice at my croceas (it did think about the Derasa - bit once - and changed it's mind). All fish are different though... Again, we're sorry for you...