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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2006
Okay, So I have seahorses but we finally have room to set up the 100g and I will be doing a FOWLR, which is whole new territory for me. Love the seahorses but kinda miss fish swimming around :)

(this is a SEPORATE TANK, seahorses have their own species specific system)

So were in the planning stage, the tank is a 95g corner tank ( so no fish that need length to swim) with just a closed loop, lighting and rock/sand. I want to understock but not to the point that the tank looks completly empty.

Definete inhabitants :
2 Clarkii clowns + Anenome
Saddle Valentini Puffer - (Canthigaster valentini) - so far pretty docile
(Always wanted these fish)
so far CUC seems to be doing well along with the Fromia sp.

Looking to add 2 or 3 more interesting fish that can live nicely together ( or can I add more?).
Nothing too fancy, this tank needs to be pretty easy don't want/need high maintenance fish.

Some that I found and like, did some prelim. reading on. Anything I should nix or add?

- Sailfin/Algae/Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)
- Powder Brown Tang (Acanthurus japonicus) is the tank too small or the wrong shape for one?
- One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
- Flame Angelfish (Centropyge loriculus)
- Coral Beauty Angelfish (Centropyge bispinosus)
- Red Stripe Angelfish (Centropyge eibli)
- small school of chromis
- Flame Hawkfish (Neocirrhitus armatus)
- Longnose Hawkfish (Oxycirrhites typus)

-Longspine Urchin - will these guys pick on one?


Love the planning, almost as fun as seeing the final product.
You need to give more information as to your set up, such as lighting, skimmer, ect. Your tank needs to be set up and stable for at least a year before an Anenome, if you want to be successful with them.
Research how long/large each of your desired fishes will become in captivity. Also be sure to read this post: Fish Stocking Limit – for FO and FOWLR.

If you get from the above post that the planned display tank is unsuitable for a Tang, then you've gotten one of the messages of that post.
Set -up:

As I mentioned, the set-up is simple, lighting ( 4 T-5's). No skimmer, no fuge, just a closed -loop and a canister if I need to run something. ( I have a HOB skimmer if needed but trying to avoid using it.) Also will have macro in tank, a few pieces of coral if no one picks at it and some CUC again if no one picks at them. Will have 90lbs of super porous rock in a tall structure with lots of holes/ledges for fish to explore through ( I like fish having a weaving in and out of.) Oh and also sandbed - roughly 2-3 inches.

Tank will be able to cycle and establish for atleast 3-4 months before any additions are made.

I'm looking for a few more choice fish to augment the 3 I have,

As for the anenome which I've had for 1/2 year already, I do understand care requirements and those required before the intro. to new tank. Honestly compared to rearing seahorse fry the anenome is a cake walk.

Tang is off the list.
I read the Fish stocking post sometime ago, Was pretty sure that the tang would not enjoy the shape/size of tank. I would like to repeat, I listed some fish I find intersting but in NO WAY am I planning on adding them all.

How about one of the dwarf angels? will the tank size work for 1, anyone like one over the other or are they all similar personalities/traits other then colour?

Are foxfaces interesting fish? look nice but do they have personality, intersting swim patterns etc?

I would not have the blennie and a hawkfish as they both like to patrol the rockwork. Does anyone prefer one over the other? anyone have a favourite sp.?

If I added the small shoal of chromis would they compete with the puffers space?

As this will be my only non- syng. tank I am looking for some "fav's" , open to suggestions as well.
If your going to do sps corals I would do a flame hawk! They are really cool and have big personalities! They will perch all over your corals and they are fun to watch! I'm planning on adding one in my new tank...:)
Great fish list! I love blennies too. The Starry Blenny is my favorite however, he as well as my Lawnmower and Bicolor all had to move to different tanks due to their taste for my clams. I have a Tailspot that is doing very well. Our Coral Beauty has always been very peaceful. A word of wisdom on the urchin...they grow VERY fast and hurt like hell when you get poked! I got poked on the end of my index finger while cleaning the tank, thought I would die :eek:After a couple of painful encounters, I replaced him with two tuxedos that do a great job keeping things clean and don't cause me physical pain. Good luck on your new tank and ENJOY!
thanks guys for your feedback

Alright so I read the link lee posted again, and the What Size Tank..... one as well along with reading up on the fishies. Foxface(potentially way to big) and Hawkfish(don't need a divebomber) are now scratched from the list.

So for the remaining fish I've been trying to figure out stocking density/territory/feeding/ behaviour etc. for the fish.

- Clarkii clowns pair- 40g/95g ( lee's calculation for Maroon)- stay near BTA
- Valintine puffer - 20g/95g ( 1 inch/5g)- swims everywhere, not nippy so far.
Dirty fishy! but so sweet!

Which leaves me with roughly 35 g/95g to play with. This is what I came up with for the other fish ( please tell me if I'm wrong or way off)

- Lawnmower Blennie - 10g/95g @ 1inch/2g
Only because there will be no competition for food/little competition for space ( except in clown corner) should have no problems finding enough algea in tank to scrape and can be supplimented with properly anchored sheets. Tank needs to be very mature for this guy. Anyone like another blennie that's more omnivor-ish? conserned about longterm algea for him

- Flame OR Coral Angel - 20g (1inch/5g) - because of space requirements, behaviour

- 5 chromis - 45g ( 1inch/3g) - again need swim space, also pigs (feeding time)

So if I'm not wrong it looks like a Dwarf Angel & the Chromis will competition for tank space. So If i choose angel OR chromis and the blennie would that be okay? or would that be too near stocking limit?

I would like to say that I am open to adding a fuge on the tank (if recommended) but I know that won't make any difference regarding living space.

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I Like the starry aswell, haven't seen one around here for a long time though, and they supposedly don't get as big...

Re: the urchin, I never thought of how fast they grow. I might just get a plain old rock borrowing one...loved him, nice medium sized spikes ( got re homed as he couldn't stay with the ponies). I'm worried that a tuxedo might get picked on by the puffer eventually (although he's been great so far).