Hey, Brenden I've seen this once before. If I remember correctly the guy had some matting scent on him or something. Some sort of hunting scent. Not a hunter so I have no idea what is was..
yeah its like deer unrine to attacte other deers and yes it is quiet6 old and on a few "when animals attack programs" has anyone seen the bear get the women or when roy got attacked by a tiger u know as in roy of singfued and roy?
Yeah it has prob been around a while. With my job etc I do not watch TV much. Speaking of...Did anyone else have a late day yesterday patching microsofts crap?
I saw a guy one deer season that had a huge buck in the back of his truck and four quarter size holes in the side of his truck. Apparently the deer charged the truck and got stuck in it. I'd rather not discuss how it went from there but i can tell you no shots were fired. So...you figure it out.