Wrought Iron stables?? 30 Gallon tank>?

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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
Alki Beach, Seattle
Hello So my 30 gal REEF is sitting on a wrought iron table right now. It is also on hardwood floors. So I DO NOT want to go through a nightmare like tamarindthai. (Thanks for the frags dang!)

I am trying to find weight loads for wrought but My 5 minute google search came up with nothing. Usually 5 mins is all I need !

I have about 30lbs live rock in it now maybe 4 bags of the super fine sand at petco, which sux by the way I need to get some unlive aragonite where i live but anyway

The table is 1/2" wrought look at pic..

What do you think?? Will it crash? I want to add a little more rock also should I get a new one :D:D:D:D:D:D I have no money but would love to buy one anyway!!
If the welds are good, that stand will hold up a lot of weight. A lot more rock should not put the table over weight, but that is assuming the welds are good.

Hello So my 30 gal REEF is sitting on a wrought iron table right now. It is also on hardwood floors. So I DO NOT want to go through a nightmare like tamarindthai. (Thanks for the frags dang!)

I am trying to find weight loads for wrought but My 5 minute google search came up with nothing. Usually 5 mins is all I need !

I have about 30lbs live rock in it now maybe 4 bags of the super fine sand at petco, which sux by the way I need to get some unlive aragonite where i live but anyway

The table is 1/2" wrought look at pic..

What do you think?? Will it crash? I want to add a little more rock also should I get a new one :D:D:D:D:D:D I have no money but would love to buy one anyway!!

Where did you get the table? Maybe you can find a manufacturers spec on max load? If you're loosing sleep over it, you can build a cheap stand out of 2X4 and plywood that would probably run less than $40 depending on the grade of plywood you use including the deck screws to put it all together.