Yashia Shrimp Goby Paired with Red Banded Pistol Shrimp

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May 21, 2004
Yashia Shrimp Goby Paired with Red Banded Pistol Shrimp could I keep these guys in a 30 gallon with a blue spotted jawfish?
How are you doing with your blue spotteed jawfish? I had one in a 29 gallon tank and he destroyed it. Never stopped digging EVER.... the water was always cloudy, I think he burried my corals on purpose. I eventually to him back o the store.
I would say about 85% of the time the jawfish is fine, he has created a few sand storms every now and then.
If it were me, I would add the fish in this order

1. Goby/PS
2. Jawfish
3. Pseudo

The Pseudo's are territorial, and depending on which one you get it might chase the pistolshrimp each time it sees it come out, thus creating stress. You might actually consider another fish.

Jawfish and a PS/Goby combo will do just fine. Adding the jawfish to the opposite side of the tank will be a plus as well. I've seen a tank (KevinPo's) that has both in it with no problems. Its actually entertaining to watch the PS try and steal the Jawfish's LR rubble and the Jawfish defend itself. Speaking of which, you might want to add a bunch of LR rubble, about the size of each fish's head to let each help build up its burrow.