yellow eye kol tang....

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2012
Hi I have a 55 gallon and was looking into getting a smaller yellow eye kol tang. Then whenever it outgrows the tank regime him. Anyone have any thoughts ideas or personal experience for taking care of them? Any and all info will be appreciated. Thank u in advance
you know if you get it young and it grows up in the 55, I don't think you would have a problem keeping him in it.
IMO no. They are a smaller tang. IMO, if you get it small and its grows up in the tank and is used to it, I think it would do just fine.
Well thank u I'm excited to do more research into it then and make sure it will do fine with the other 2 fish I plan on adding. And hopefully find more out about its care and everything so that it can be a super happy easy transition for it. Thank u again.
It is very good that you are researching the fish and its compatibility with others. And that you care about its well being. If you take good care of it, I think it will be happy in the 55. Besides, like most of us, you will upgrade to a larger tank soon enough. ;)
I already want to up to a 100 long.... but money restrictions prevent me from doing that at this point of time.... thanks for the nice words
Agree with Lorrie, a Kole, Tomini and Yellow Tang would all be fine if gotten small for a 55g long term. The only issue I see is, in my experience Kole and Yellow Tangs are a bit bullish on new arrivals once they have established territorial ownership of tank. I just recently introduced a Flame Angel into my 125g and of the 20 fish in there only the Kole tried to show her where she ranked in the Pecking Order. 3-4 days of scrapping and all is well again.

Cheers, Todd
Thanks for the advise I will look into getting the other two first then. Thanks for that info.... its helped.... although how do u think he will do with my cherub angel? Think ill have any issues?