Yellow scroll need help

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Jan 9, 2009
Hi I'm new to this forum. I need help with a yellow scroll I just bought him and I don't know if he is doing well he is really fading how do I tell if he is healthy or alive? Thanks
HI and Welcome to Reef Frontiers!! Did you recently get the Tubinaria? Is it under different lighting than it used to be? What type of lighting is it under? Is it in a low flow area? They need high flow to keep detritus from settling on them. Detritus effects Tubinaria very quickly and very negatively. Too much light could also cause it to fade.

Are polyps expanding at all? If so, it's alive.

More information about your tank parameters will help. Give us as much information as you can about your tank. What do you test for? What test kits do you use? What are your test results? What do you dose? How often do you do water changes? Are you using RO/DI water? Etc.
I have a 10gal tank set up with 80watts of CP lighting and I run about 500gph in my tank. I do weekly water changes. I use RO/DI water premixed at LFS. I test my water at my LFS when I do a water change and every thing they test for is good but I'll run a other test here soon and post the results. He is high in my tank with alot of flow and his polyps are open. Thanks
If polyps are open, it's alive. Lots of flow and high in the tank, under the PC bulbs is good. Nitrates or phosphates might be causing the fading event. How long has it been in your tank? What environment did it come from? How old are your bulbs? I just realized this was in Kevin's forum. He'll give you great advice!!!
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The frag is starting to yellow at the top polyps are wide open but on the lower part of the frag less color and the polps are less open. I will proble rase it up higher in the tank so it can get the most out put of my light and maybe recover all in hope..
A picture would be the most helpful. There are four or five species of Turbinaria so knowing which one would be helpful in giving recommendations on care.
