Yellow Tang or Six Line?

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Feb 19, 2006
Redmond, WA
Okay, this is a pretty general question. What are people’s experiences with Yellow Tangs and Six Line Wrasses? I’m trying to decide which will be the new addition. I have a 55 gallon corner with a Common Clown, Coral Beauty, and a Blue Yellow Tail Damsel. Also I have an Emerald Crab, Feather Duster, Cleaner Shrimp, some Hermit Crabs, Snails, Brittle Stars and an assortment of Softies and LPS. Plenty of live rock. They all get along just fine.

I think I’ve narrowed it down to the Yellow Tang but I’ve received mixed reviews about whether my tank is big enough. I’m starting to shy away from the Six Line because I’ve heard they can be risky. Either, they’re peaceful and make a great addition or they wreak havoc on shrimp, crabs and other fish?

Any input would be appreciated?
if your tank is 55g, i would say, don't go w/ the tang....also, with all your liverock and the fact that it is a corner tank, there is no swimming room ...tangs need much more room than that...
Bradreef, did one of these yellow tangs talk bad about you or something???? lol..j/k thats pretty harsh on
The sixline was one of my first fish and one of my favorites, he is very active swimming in and out of the live rock. By and large he hasn't been aggressive.
I also have a sixline and love it. He is very active and has caused no problems with any others in my tank. I agree with ronj that your tank is small for a Tang.
Ive heard some horror stories about six lines when they are aggressive (dead shrimp, coral picking, so on..) but on the other hand a 55 isnt large enough to support the needs of a yellow tang. I would say go with the six line and be very vigilant on his actions in the first few days and weeks. If you notice anything in the first few days I would say try and return him (whats your stores policy like?)
I also have a Sixline and he is very well behaved...My Flame Angel on the other hand well thats a different story. Id say go for the Sixline.
My Six-Line will harass anything smaller than it. I’ve had a Bi-Color blenny and Mandarin goby in there with it. It killed the Mandarin. The Six-Line will even go after my Dragon goby. But being that it’s about one and a half times bigger, he’ll hold is own. That being said, the six-line is very active, swimming in and out of the rocks hunting. It’s not at all shy or retiring. I’ve also got a YT in my tank. I’ve also got a 55-gallon, just the four-foot long variety with the rockwork stacked down the middle so that the YT can swim down the front, the back, and in and out of the rocks. At one time I had the YT, a Coral Beauty Angel, Dragon goby, Bi-Color blenny, and the six-line wrasse in the tank without a hitch.
I have a yellow tang and sixline wrasse, and love them both. The yellow tang, IMO, is a staple in the marine aquarium. It's the first fish I think of when I think of a saltwater aquarium. The sixline is a beautiful addition to a tank, constantly foraging in your live rock. Will also help control populations of flatworms.
I had a yellow tang in a 30 gallon with a coral beauty, pearlscale butterflyfish, a brittle star, and two bar gobies, for about 3or4 years they are fish that seem to get along with any other fish after a few days. They are also a very noticable addition to your tank and would be my choice
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I currently have a coral beauty, maroon clown, yellow tail blue damsel and a Yellow Tang. They are in a 55gal. They all get along fine. We have similar setups except mine is a 55 standard tank. My vote yellow tang.
your 55g is 48" long... his is probably half that being a corner tank....the tang will be swimming in small circles
tangs are agile swimmers..they swim all over reefs everyday.....putting them in a small tank can be stressful to would be like one of us trying to swim laps in a "kiddie pool", as opposed to swimming in an olympic sized pool....
I'm one to talk though. I've got a couple juveniles in the tank that'll have to be moved to a larger tank as they grow. There's a method to my madness though. Get the girlfriend to fall in love with the fish and then she won't let me trade them I'll HAVE to get a larger tank!!! WooHoo