You know your a dedicated reefer when...

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Reef Padawan
Dec 2, 2004
Bellevue, wa
you'll take off your sock to clean the glass...

I thought i'd start this thread just to see other odd things people do that are effective
LOL I did this just yesterday. I got home from work which I wear a dress shirt with tie. I hate wearing that crap so I come home and immediately get into a tshirt. I mess with my tank for a few minutes and ended getting the shirt wet so I took it off and threw it in the laundry. I put on another shirt. I noticed a snail on it's back and went in for the save getting that shirt wet, and into the laundry it went. Well 3 shirts later, you get the point. I know I should just mess with my tank naked, then maybe my wife would find some interest in it perhaps...
I know I should just mess with my tank naked, then maybe my wife would find some interest in it perhaps...

LOL :lol:

My husband's always telling me I need to work on my tank naked....:rolleyes:
ok in an honest way...i used to do it :p and then just take a shower, but nowdays i don't because ...well after all i do the laundry, so i don't mind getting my shirt wet :p.

one odd thing hmm... i don't know if this is odd :p:Dbut i count the water i make twice by dumping it in a huge bucket then putting it in apple juice jugs, then putting it in the big container again .
I get home from work, go to the freezer, then start thawing the food for my tank... BEFORE even giving my wife a kiss hello! :eek: :oops: :eek:
I'm all for working on the tank naked! Pics? Just kidding, hmmmm. I'm usually out of town every few days and when I get back, checking the tank is on the top of the list. I usually try to kiss the wife first :)
You know you're a reefer when your wife asks you to come to bed with her and instead you spend the night getting high off of pvc glue trying to get your sump up and running again. But I decided to do it naked this time, she just decided to sleep. Oh well. Sumps running great, no leaks, and no air bubbles. Yay. Now if I can only get my skimmer to work right. Oh well another night of tank work. Sorry hunny.
when you tell complete strangers you have a "reef tank" ......"ah what?"

"a coral reef tank, you know salt water tank"



when you have consecutively bin in your lfs for like 9 weekends in a row.
(there only open saterday and sunday's) but im there every weekend...
better yet.....

when you leave a good party cause "i have to go check my tank"
You know you're a reefer when you log onto RF daily, but don't have tank right now

well i'm sure pretty soon you will + your backyard is full of reef stuff anyways :p:D.

But I decided to do it naked this time,

you know i'd be very scared of glueing myself :shock: :lol:
You know you're an "obsessed" reefer when you have this plan set up with your LFS guys when you come in with your "wife" and they say "hey Jason haven't seen you in a while," just so your wife doesn't get suspicious. Or when you are there and your phone rings and you say "it's her" and everyone gets really quiet so you can answer the phone.
You know you're an "obsessed" reefer when you have this plan set up with your LFS guys when you come in with your "wife" and they say "hey Jason haven't seen you in a while," just so your wife doesn't get suspicious. Or when you are there and your phone rings and you say "it's her" and everyone gets really quiet so you can answer the phone.

LMBO!!!!:lol::lol:....that's freaking hilarious dood!!!!
ROFL! :lol:

These are all great. For me....

1. I'm in project mgt certification class and my sample project for a presentation is "setting up reef tank."

2. People at my work come to talk to me over the edge of my cubical wall and they morph into talking heads: "...and then I told him, You better come to this meeting because...blah blah blah...and it's this whole political battle...blah blah blah..." and while the person is talking to me I'm nodding my head, saying, "That's a good idea," but in my mind I'm running through the list of things I need to buy at the lfs, visualizing new corals, and planning my tank maintenance schedule. They leave and I have no idea what we just talked about. :confused: :confused: :oops:
You know you're an obessed reefer when you walk into work covered in salt-creep....

(.....because I was mixing up "a quick batch" of DIY Mg supplement in the morning, but forgot that 1 gal of water + 8 cups of Epsom salts won't all fit in a 1 gallon jug....spill water all over the counter, floor, pants, shoes, etc.)

So towel off, jump in the car, and head to work.

Then while walking across the parking lot notice that the (black) shoes, and pants that I wore that day are completely splattered w/ dried white salt.....
You know it's getting pretty bad when you don't want to go out of town to your own Mom's wedding because your fish might miss you.
You know you're a dedicated reef keeper when...

Every trip to the store means buying more paper towels...and your shopping list for the tank is longer than the one for your groceries

You do the dishes 'cause you need the sink to clean the skimmer cup

Your eyes get blurry watching 'pods, baby snails, tiny mysis shrimp, etc., through a magnifying glass at all hours of the day (and night)

Your front room is at 62 degrees because you're trying to figure out which chiller to buy or if you can afford one and the tank's temp is at 79...