Recent content by jeremys78

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  1. jeremys78

    Ocellaris Spawn

    I thought about it, but I would have to get some heavy consulting from Ilham :D For now I'll hold off, since I may be moving in the near future, but I hear that once they start spawning it's good-times from there on out... :lol:
  2. jeremys78

    Ocellaris Spawn

    Here is their current clutch (just laid yesterday).
  3. jeremys78

    Ocellaris Spawn

    Well, After ages of waiting (1.5 yrs), I finally have a mated ocellaris pair. This is a picture of their first clutch, approximately 2 days before hatching. :D
  4. jeremys78

    Hand-caught, net-free fish ;)

    Elmo, When they're weaned to flake, I'm looking for a pair. Let me know when they're ripe! :p
  5. jeremys78

    Goby causing increased Nitratres??

    Woah - never thought of this. Post a picture!
  6. jeremys78

    Suction cups??

    I used to have a horrible time keeping my MJ1200's on the glass (acrylic, actually), but I found that cleaning the acrylic *immediately* before pressing the cups on, as well as taking the rough side of a scotch-brite sponge to the mating surface of the suction cups can dislodge a slimy film...
  7. jeremys78

    Dumb questions

    Oh... THAT'S what "RTN" stands for. Sheesh. Thanks for the link :oops:
  8. jeremys78

    Another Mystery

    Could these be flatworms? I didn't know if they come in any other color than red... :mad:
  9. jeremys78

    SPS Identification Quiz

    OK, maybe not a quiz, but a series of questions at least! I need help identifying these new additions. Genus species if possible, as well as common names so I can learn. :) Hint - They're from Dang's tank... Here are my (wild) guesses: 1. "Tricolor" 2. "Blue staghorn" 3. "Lavender" 4...
  10. jeremys78 actinic

    Good to hear - I also copied you by getting one of those nano-ballasts, too. What lamps were (are) you running in your cube?
  11. jeremys78 actinic FAQ I don't know if anyone else has used these actinic bulbs, but I just replaced my 13 month old 96W Coralife PC actinic with this bulb. (Yes, I'm a sinner :oops: ) First impression - slightly more intense than the old Coralife bulb Second impression - it makes other stuff...
  12. jeremys78

    Field Trip

    Hey MikeS, although I am no expert, I have quite a bit of experience dealing with disabled adults (2 family members, 1 of which in an adult group home). Although it depends on the individual in such a home, I have found the functionality to range from the equivalent of kindergarden to ~5th...
  13. jeremys78

    My 40 gallon mixed tank

    beautiful Rics' Always wanted a 'cap tank - yours are beautiful Great tank!
  14. jeremys78

    Flatworms update

    Ooo, ooo, ooo... [waving hand in air] Can I be 3rd in line? :lol: Seriously.
  15. jeremys78

    Urchin / Interceptor

    Oooh - that reminds me: Does anyone have any interceptor to spare? Since I will be treating a 10G QT, I presume I will only need 1 tab which will need to be divided many times? Am I getting this right?