Recent content by NaH2O

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. NaH2O

    Webinar Series feedback

    Thanks! I'll be interested to see what you do with the webinar feature. I think if done well it can be a great asset to the board, and hopefully not a pain in the as$ for the person handling it. I look forward to checking it out. As per the spelling bees, come on now, I know you just play that...
  2. NaH2O

    Webinar Series feedback

    My opinion (and we all know about opinions) is I agree with Don. I think it will be guns going in, but might fizzle on the topics after awhile. Now, maybe get Don to do a DIY webinar or two. You could keep the big time speakers to quarterly, then have knowledgeable hobbyists do an area of their...
  3. NaH2O

    Old powerhead maintenance

    I think you definately got your money's worth on that one, for sure! Amazing
  4. NaH2O

    goby & shrimp combo in a 24g?

    Do you have any idea which type of goby you are considering? Has your tank cycled? When did you add the Royal Gramma and Firefish? What are your plans as for as the rest of the inhabitants (other fish, inverts, etc). Sorry for all the questions. Just trying to get an idea on what you...
  5. NaH2O

    Tank Location

    Hahaha Charlie! First of all, I'd love a shoe closet!! Secondly, it would be really cool to have an inwall tank in the bathroom/walk-in closet. I might actually enjoy ironing clothes! Hmmm..... I wonder if I'd burn anything doing that. Maybe it is a bad idea :(
  6. NaH2O

    Tank Location

    Great to be here! Thanks! LOL - it's all good, although when my daughter tells me "I promise" it always makes me wonder ;) :D lolol BTW - I would have made "man cave" a choice, but then I would have had to make an option for a woman's room....besides shoe closet ;) hmmmm :idea:
  7. NaH2O

    Please help a newbie!!!

    Welcome to the hobby! Have you decided on a set-up?
  8. NaH2O

    High Alk

    Also, which test kit are you using?
  9. NaH2O

    Tank Location

    I put basement on the poll, because some people have basements separate from their family/living room (playrooms, workout rooms, etc). Our basement (if we ever finish it), won't really be our main family room. My tank is located in the family room. I really like where it is. Not only do...
  10. NaH2O

    Tank Location

    Where is your display tank located? For those that have more than one tank in multiple locations, then vote for the location where your favorite tank is (the tank that gives you the most enjoyment out of viewing and working on). Also, if you could do it again would you keep your tank where...
  11. NaH2O

    SPS lighting

    Charlie - If you know of any aliens to abduct me, then please send them my way! Calgon, take me awaaaay!!! (ok, now I feel really old because a calgon reference was used).
  12. NaH2O

    SPS lighting

    I have a 4 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot tank, and run 2 250W metal halides. Works just fine! Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!
  13. NaH2O

    what is a closed loop?

    See if this thread helps you visualize a closed loop a little better. Some Plumbing for Nikki Here is a picture from my tank. The monstrosity in the middle goes to a separate pump (out of the sump). The water is drawn in from the tank then goes right back to the tank. Think of it how a hot...
  14. NaH2O

    Water changes and water top off??

    I have some homework for you: Water Changes in Reef Aquaria As for your chaeto, you do want to harvest it occasionally. You will be exporting the nutrients it used to grow. I think some folks rotate their chaeto mass around, so the bottom doesn't die off. Do you only have chaeto or do you...
  15. NaH2O

    What are these things?

    I agree they look like hydroids. If you have any that are coil shaped, then those are spirorbids and are harmless. The pumps are easy enough to remove them from, but the rocks....are you able to remove them out of the tank? Some folks report kalk paste on the colony works well. Let us know...