What are these things?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2006
Northeast Pa.
If its not one thing its another.... For 4 years I have not had any issue's to deal with now there is one after another. First its red slime, green hair and now the tank is infested with these tiny white hairy things all over the corals,rock and pumps. Does anyone know what they are? and can they be stopped?
looks like nudi branches/Berghia. They eat aiptaisa. very good at getting rid of the Nuisance.
I would say that those are some sort of Hydroids. Dp a google check on Hydroids. From what I have read is that they thrive in heavy nutrient water column. So check everything and watch them.
I agree they look like hydroids. If you have any that are coil shaped, then those are spirorbids and are harmless. The pumps are easy enough to remove them from, but the rocks....are you able to remove them out of the tank? Some folks report kalk paste on the colony works well.

Let us know how things go!
I agree they look like hydroids. If you have any that are coil shaped, then those are spirorbids and are harmless. The pumps are easy enough to remove them from, but the rocks....are you able to remove them out of the tank? Some folks report kalk paste on the colony works well.

Let us know how things go!

No spiral ones, If I have to I will remove all the rock in the tank but that will be useless unless I can get them off of the acro's they are everywhere. Man this could ruin this tank...
Hydroids generally wax and wane in population. They're usually more abundant in newer tanks. I had a small colony that was encroaching on a colony of Zoanthids. I used Kalk paste to cover them. It did kill most of them, but not all. I'm not sure how you'd treat them when they're growing on corals.
I cant figure where these came from,I havent added anything to the tank in almost a year.Unless I just didnt notice them. I see over at sea horse .org they use a product called Panacur to kill hydroids but I dont know what effect it would have on corals. I just dont know whay to do. My blue Hippo tang is no longer sleeping in her acro.
i have a meny that come out at night... but ive never had a problem altho ive bin told the same,
was looking to a bergia but I dont think these are on his menu.Im going to start friday pulling rock and scrubing and rinsing in clean saltwater ,does anyone have a clue as what to do about the acro's ? or a better mouse trap, sort a speak....