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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    Thanks Krish! Iroll, hmmmm that's an idea. If I calculate my head loss correctly, I think I get about 300 gph through both heads. It would switch about every 9 or 10 seconds and I would get about 210-240gph. I don't know... Alternating flow sounds nice, but I worry that it would end up...
  2. P

    T5 HO help

    I'll second the AquatifLife T5 HO fixtures. The build quality for the one I got is superb, the design is very convenient (integrated timers, single cord) and for what I intend to keep it produces more than enough light.
  3. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    Update It's been a few weeks, and my tank has finished cycling. Ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrate is at 5. Just added my CUC; a few snails, couple of hermits and a sea cucumber I found. In a week or two I'll start with fish, and maybe a couple of zoas. For lighting I really wanted to go LED...
  4. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    Still fooling around with what I want to do for lighting. Since I'm in Hawaii, all I can grow legally are pretty much just zoas and nems. I have a 250w DE metal halide pendant that I could mount, but I think given my heat problems, I'm going to try and get a LED system going. I'm tossing around...
  5. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    Then I started filling it up again. Uploaded with Very very slowly... I wish I had a faster RO/DI... but the mighty mite works. Uploaded with Once I get the water flowing, I'll add in the rock that I've had sitting in some water with a powerhead for the past 3...
  6. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    I've always had heat problems, and this set-up is no exception. When I leak tested, temps rose to about 88F. So I added in a couple of Iceprobes with a temp controller into where I had initially wanted to add in a closed loop. Crossing my fingers that it will be enough. Uploaded with...
  7. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    Then I started on the plumbing. I used a mix of braided vinyl tubing and PVC. Yes I know hose barbs suck, but to be honest I'm not expecting this tank to be set up for more than a couple of years anyway. It's set up with two overflow drains (much easier to make silent than one) and two returns...
  8. P

    Porkfat's 20H Resurrection

    After taking a few years away from the hobby I've decided to dive back in. My last tank was a 55g for a while, but when I moved, I had to strip it down and sell it off. The last few years, I have been tank-less. For the new build, stocking is still up in the air and I'm open to suggestions, but...
  9. P

    Acronyms and Definitions needed

    GFO - Granular Ferric Oxide. Used as a phosphate binder. Link to more info
  10. P

    take live stock from Hawaii back to WA

    Oh you've done it now :eek: Someone grab a link of a, should I be reef keeping thread. We can talk about sustainability, and chime in with aquaculture, environmental impact, global warming and probally even a bit of globalization. In the end though, the impact we have on the environment about...
  11. P

    take live stock from Hawaii back to WA

    As far as collecting and taking rocks home. Just don't take them from a protected area, you're gonna get yelled at and fined. When you are mailing it home, just wrap them in wet towels and seal those as best as you can as late as you can. You do not have to send it in water. It will go...
  12. P

    take live stock from Hawaii back to WA

    Some aquatic life is OK to take. Minus protected species (ie sea tutles, coral, monk seals), those not in season (ie lobsters, moi), and some size restrictions, you are ok to take with a scoop net or by pole. Throw nets of a certain mesh are also a nono. You may get an Aquarium Permit on line...
  13. P

    Top Off Question

    This might be kind of a dumb question, but my air conditioning produces a lot of condensation that runs into a bucket. I've used it for years to water my plants, but I was wondering if it would be ok to use it to top off my tank. I figure it's just condensation, but I'm not expert and I'd like...
  14. P

    Water top off ideas...?

    I tried computer fans, but they died after about 7 months. Opened them up and the ball bearings were shot. They were mounted in the cover of my sump about 6 inches above the water, laced in salt. I'm currently trying to come up with something to protect the motor and bearings, any ideas are...
  15. P

    Butterfly Identification

    I see them in watters arround Hawaii too, I even had one for a little while. They're timid fish and scare easily, I had trouble getting mine to eat. Beautiful fish though.