Butterfly Identification

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Ed Hartwell

New member
Jun 1, 2006
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what type of butterfly fish this is, i took it in malasia while i was diving and i cant find it in any of my books.
All suggestions appreciated, Ed

I'm no fish expert... however to me the mouth/nose of that piticular fish resemble more an Angelfish, than a Butterfly???

Just so you know, when it comes to fish, I'm usually VERY WRONG! *grinz* Just an idea to possiblly help narrow it down for you.
Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus Common name: Vermiculated Angelfish

The spine on the gill cover shows that it is indeed an angelfish, not a butterflyfish.
Well it appears you are right this time, thank you very much i have now managed to find it in a book, its a Vermiculated anglefish
oops - forgot to say... Welcome to Reef Frontiers!!!
Welcome to RF Ed!! My wife would be very jealous. She has been after me to pick another one of those guys for a little more than a year now. We lost ours in an extended power outage. Great fish!!

Good Luck
I see them in watters arround Hawaii too, I even had one for a little while. They're timid fish and scare easily, I had trouble getting mine to eat. Beautiful fish though.