Recent content by spongebob lover

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  1. spongebob lover

    Timothy Mason Smithey

    Ugh I have heard those words way to many times, first from Krish and now from you? Buck it up, he needs a baby brother OR sister to fight with :D .
  2. spongebob lover

    Hey goobers!

    Hi dood !!! wou i can't believe time is going fast, your little ones are so cute !!! :) .
  3. spongebob lover

    Had Two Visiters today.:)

    Just don't get your friends mad :D
  4. spongebob lover

    SpongeBob lover B day

    Omg !! Thank you so much and sorry if it took me forever . With kids out of school I'm going nuts here :lol:, I had a good time we did some BBQ chicken and hot links and I got to eat some very good bacon :D. I decided to wait for my gift a little because I wanna do some Rally classes with...
  5. spongebob lover

    My reason for leaving the least for awhile

    Omg she's adorable !! :) congrats to both of you and just remember..... Girls are expensive and it's ok :D .
  6. spongebob lover

    Happy B-day tike666

    Happy birthday Willie !! :D we hope you are having a great day. Robacha sends you lots of wet kisses :D
  7. spongebob lover

    Happy B Day Scooterman!

    Happy way way way belated birthday :) .
  8. spongebob lover

    No love for jesshimom?

    happy belated birthday girl :)
  9. spongebob lover

    Tying the knot this weekend....

    wou congrats !! :) and i agree with Willie, we must see pics .
  10. spongebob lover

    My art

    those are very kewl :) . i still have my binder with all my drawings, i'd spend hours just drawing i made a few paintings but i was never into it as much as drawing.
  11. spongebob lover

    RIP Captain Phil Harris :(

    i was so sad when i heard about it :(
  12. spongebob lover

    Does anyone post on reef central and can help me out?

    so he didn't send you Buster :lol: :p ?
  13. spongebob lover

    Back in the hobby (well kinda) :P

    :lol: aahh i can still remember when you used to say that you were just gonna have one and now got 2 !! :D :lol: . Well now you got the pair a boy and a girl, now you gotta wait until little Emily starts asking you for another baby brother or sister :D.
  14. spongebob lover

    Back in the hobby (well kinda) :P

    AWWW!!! they look adorable :) ....Emily is growing so fast...seriously that's amazing, i have a feeling your little one is gonna look alot like his mom :) .....such a cutie :)
  15. spongebob lover

    Back in the hobby (well kinda) :P

    Omg!! Congrats dood!!! Where are the pics :D ? How did everything go ?