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  1. f2titan

    RO/DI Water Filters/Inserts

    I have a Bulk Reef Supply 5 Stage "Plus" system. How ofter do you change the filters on yours? That being after how many water changes, or gallons you think you run through it. The gage has recently been showing: 001 for output. Sometimes going back to 000, but mostly (lately) stays at 001. My...
  2. f2titan

    What the heck is this??????

    Cool, thanks guys!
  3. f2titan

    What the heck is this??????

    Doesn't look like the picture on reef cleaners.
  4. f2titan

    What the heck is this??????

    What is this????? I found it in my tank tonight. The tank is 6-7 months old. It kinda blended with the rock. But, then when I pocked it with a tong, it looked like it sucked up a bit tighter to the rock. So, I pried it off the coral. The shell looks what I would call "potato bug" one might...
  5. f2titan

    Red Algae

    Ya, its the red slimy stuff. I can lower the timer on the lights, and maybe install another pump. I have two in there now, along with the sump intake on on-side. And, the pump out-let on the other. Some one said overfeeding. I could be guilty of that. Is that a cause too? I'll cut-back. What...
  6. f2titan

    Red Algae

    My tank seems to be having red algae spreading more, and more. I'm using RO/DI water, change water (32 gal) every 3rd weekend (Instant Ocean Reef mix). What can I do to make this go away? Should I increase water changes? Decrease light timers? 125 gallon tank with 40 gal sump tank. Last...
  7. f2titan

    My 125 ;-)

    Here is my 125 as of today. My son is overhauling his, so I have some of his coral. Building of tank: Tank Blog:
  8. f2titan

    Test Results

    I was wondering about the Ca too. Ya, I think its a "tad" on the high side. What can I do to bring it down?
  9. f2titan

    Test Results

    I have a 32 (or 35?) gallon trash can I use. I do a water change every 3rd weekend. Yes, its a Rubbermaid.
  10. f2titan

    Test Results

    Yes, there is. Two anemones. Six line wrasse. Two naked clowns. One blue tang. Gray/black tang (not sure of the name) Two nassasrius snails. Yellow head goby. Green neon torch. Two cleaner shrimp. Two pink anthias. One chromis. Two small hermits (blue legs). As far as the "0" reading. The...
  11. f2titan

    Test Results

    You can read my reef blog here...
  12. f2titan

    Test Results

    Nothing cycling. Just a routine test. That tanks been up and running since Oct of 2009.
  13. f2titan

    How to raise PH & Calcium

    I don't know about the baking soda. But, there are additives you can buy to raise both. I was using a calcium additive for a bit, but my tank has been holing its own for some time now. Check you local hobby store.
  14. f2titan

    Test Results

    Here are my latest tests results. I have a 125 gallon, with a 40 gallon sump tank. All looks good...yes? Phosphate: 0 ppm Nitrate: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Calcium: 460 mg/L (23 drops) Carbonate Hardness: 196.9 DKH (11 drops) Ammonia: 0 ppm pH: 8.2 Salinity: 1.025 You can see it here...
  15. f2titan

    Painting the back of my tank

    Its the only way to go!!! Check mine out.
  16. f2titan

    Feeding Anemones

    I do. But, right now they are only hosting one of them. I was worried about the other.
  17. f2titan

    Feeding Anemones

    How do you feed Anemones? Just leave them with good a good light source? Do they just filter the water? Can I inject him with brine shrimp in his mouth?
  18. f2titan

    Yellow Anemone With Clown

    Ok, thanks. Guess We'll just have to keep an eye on it. I will say, after searching for yellow nem's on the web. They are all that bright/fluorescent yellow. Yes, that looks suspect. Unless mine was done some time age, its never been that bright to the best of my knowledge. You noted never...
  19. f2titan

    Yellow Anemone With Clown

    So, you're saying all nem's are dirty white, or brown only? He's been in the tank for over two months, and looks the same as when I got him. I'm not expert, but don't they fade in 2-3 weeks if dyed?
  20. f2titan

    Yellow Anemone With Clown

    I dunno. I was at my LHS when they were unpacking a shipment. I got it right out of the box.