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  1. 1fishkeeper

    Mouse's 125 peninsula dream + 2

    I always think its strange that when your looking at your corals it seems like they never really grow. But when you look at pictures taken of them you can really see the how much they really have grown.
  2. 1fishkeeper

    The best for my 65 G reef

    Wow very nice I really like how this is turning out.
  3. 1fishkeeper

    RO/DI waste water.

    I water flowers and plants with it. But the most part of it goes down the drain.
  4. 1fishkeeper

    The best for my 65 G reef

    Now that looks like a fun little project.
  5. 1fishkeeper

    Happy Veteran's Day

    I would like to thank all of my brother in arms for serving. And my prays go out with all of my buddys that are still over in the big sand box right now.
  6. 1fishkeeper

    Educational Video

    That first one is a good video. Thanks for posting it for all of us to see.
  7. 1fishkeeper

    Lets see those chalice's

    I will as soon as I find the charger for my camera. I still havnt found it since my move. But I seen that Barrier Reef has a picture of it on there thread on here. But they dont have a name on it they just call it a purple with orange eyes. It looks just like your crazy fox with out the...
  8. 1fishkeeper

    Before and After

    Now thats half tempting....
  9. 1fishkeeper

    Before and After

    Where can I get some of that magic water at?
  10. 1fishkeeper

    stunning reef tank....

    Just cover it when they do there inspection. But I think the real give away would the power meter would break because of all the juice going through it.
  11. 1fishkeeper

    stunning reef tank....

    I would love to have that tank but I really dont think the apartments that I live in would go for it.
  12. 1fishkeeper

    Commercial diver

    That sounds like a great job to do. What other kind of job can you have and enjoy the great views of the living reefs.
  13. 1fishkeeper

    Devastating Tank Tragedy

    Oh man that sucks. How large was the CO2 tank and how much was still in it? I know someone that had that happen and they were in bad shape. Everyone in there house got really bad migrains and had to go outside because off the the CO2 that was dumped into the house.
  14. 1fishkeeper

    Flu video

    Here is a great link to a funny video about the H1N1 flu.
  15. 1fishkeeper

    Lets see those chalice's

    I just picked up a sweet one from Barrier Reef today. They were calling it a Alian Eye Chalice but from the pictures that I looked on online it looks different. Its a dark purple with gold and orange eyes on it. It was from one of there hand picks from LA this week. I will get a picture of...
  16. 1fishkeeper

    PCFishman's 40B - LPS

    Wow I really like that OG acan.
  17. 1fishkeeper

    Refugium lites

    I have mine come on a hour before my DT lights turn off at 9. Then my fuge light turns off a hour after the DT lights turn on at 10. As for the light it self is a 6500K cf buld that is in a cheap spot light. The kind you can buy at any hardwear store. Its the kind with the clamp and large...
  18. 1fishkeeper

    do carpet anemone move a lot like rbta's?

    What type are you getting a gig or halli? My halli that I use to have moved for a about a week when I first got it. After that I guess he found a spot that he liked and stayed there for over a year.
  19. 1fishkeeper

    Worm ID

    Tike thanks for the link that was the one that I was looking for but couldnt remember it. The closet one that I could find on there is Eunicids "Rock worms". Its close to them but not quite they have alot of legs close together this one didnt. They were more spaced out. I plan on breaking up...
  20. 1fishkeeper

    Worm ID

    Nope this isnt a bristle worm. In the 5+ years of reef keeping I have never seen one like this. Last night after writing this post I went back and looked in my tank again. And guess what there it was. Coming out of the rock streched out about 14" or more and was stiff as a board. That must...