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  1. arman

    PSAS Frag swap Sept 18th 2010

    I too wanted to thank you guys for hosting the event. It was alot of fun and your tank was amazing. Also thank you to everyone who i got frags from, they look great in my tank.
  2. arman

    Xenia dying off

    You might also want to check your iodine levels, or if youre not already, you may want to start adding some to the tank. I have read in various places that sometimes xenia is known to crash if there isnt enough iodine in the water
  3. arman

    PSAS Frag swap Sept 18th 2010

    If anyone is interested i can bring some frags of m digitata (orange polyp with green base), xenia, or some different macro algaes like halimeda, chaeto, or different caulerpas for trade. I also might be able to get a small frag of a purple caribbean photosynthetic gorgonian that is feather like...
  4. arman

    ID for these macros

    Ok, thanks you guys
  5. arman

    ID for these macros

    I have all of these macro algaes that just appeared on my live rock, and i have no idea what they are. Can someone please tell me what they are?
  6. arman

    I think I have babies!

    Oh, i almost fogot about the pictures i took of the male with his cheeks all puffed out!
  7. arman

    I think I have babies!

    Yesterday while feeding my tank, i noticed that one of my Banngai cardinalfish wasnt eating. Later when i looked closer at it, i noticed that its gills were all flared out. I think that it might be taking care of eggs! :D Does anyone have any experience or advice about how to raise the babies...
  8. arman

    Shout Out

    ok thanks :)
  9. arman

    Shout Out

    What is that bright yellow fish that you have in your second picture? its pretty, but i just cant tell what it is from that pic
  10. arman

    Ilovereef's 270G update (picture heavy :))

    Wow! your tank still amazes me! its so beautiful :)
  11. arman

    1/2' conch shell snails

    I have tons of those in my tank too. they seem to be benifitial as they eat a ton of algae, but if you wanted to get rid of them, a larger wrasse would probably eat them
  12. arman

    Need Live Brine ASAP!-Finicky Fish!!!!

    I was in Blue Sierra a week or two ago and they had a ten gallon tank full of live brine for sale
  13. arman

    The elusive berghia

    Oooppss! :eek: i had one of those on one of my frags from the swap, and since ive never seen one before, i wasnt sure wat it was and thought it was some sort of zoanthid eating slug. :( so i flushed it.......
  14. arman

    Seattle aquarium water?

    I think that if you got it from a lfs it would be fine. The majority of them that I've been to seem like pretty good places and the people seem like they would be on top of changing filters and maintaining stuff like that.
  15. arman

    Amphiprionidae (Clownfish) Workshop

    If i were to get a Black ocellaris clown and a normal orange ocellaris clown, would they breed? i kind of like the idea of getting two contrasting clowns, but i want to have a breeding pair.
  16. arman

    bob moore frag swap

    the frag swap was great! im so glad that i became a member, and i cant wait till the next meeting. :)
  17. arman

    New additions for the new year

    Wow those are cool! do they need reef lighting? or can you have them in really low light, and then just feed them?
  18. arman

    Rock stuck in my clam

    I've never had a clam before, so i dont know to much about them, but it seems to me that if your clam still looks like it is doing great, why bother trying to take out the rock and risk hurting the clam. is the rock actually hurting it?
  19. arman

    Kris’ 390g Drop of Ocean

    Your tank looks great! I wish i could get a tank as big as yours. And i love your leopard wrasse! Are they eating frozen food? Or do you just have a huge pod population?
  20. arman

    What kind of skimmer?

    thank you :) that info was helpful