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  1. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    sorry i was not aware that people were so sensitive on this forum when i first posted i was told it was a friendly place where my ifnromation would be accepted with a thank you. instead my opinion and info is bashed by people that say they know what they are talking about. i am fully aware that...
  2. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    octopi are some of the smartest inverts, if you do that they will jsut find a way to take the rocks apart and put them where they want. theres no stopping it. i have never had an octopus made structure cave in on an octo
  3. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    what kind are you talking about? no octopus should be in anything under a 30 gallon tank regardless of size. i find it hard to believe you had long term success with one in such a tiny tank.
  4. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    the best thing to do is just have a ton of different sized rocks just scattered about in the tank and introduce the octo, then it will aquascape it the way it sees fit.
  5. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    there is no need for that kind of language on a public forum, remember there may be children present on this site so think before you post inappropriately. octopuses are inverts and very fragile ones at that and should not be taken lightly, or at least as lightly as you are implying. im sure...
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    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    how would it not! going from never keeping a tank to keeping a ceph would prove him to fail. its not just to prepare him for their care but on keeping water params right. its the intelligent thing to do if you dont agree thats fine but it is in his best interestet to get a good tank going before...
  7. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    also its best for octos to have alot of rockwork in order to feel safe and secure. it just cant be stacked precariously.
  8. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    we were not saying to convert his tank from a reef to an octopus tank, we were saying to at least get get a tank going before trying an octopus, an octopus is in no way a good first invert. and that would be setting him up to fail if he started immediately with an octopus tank. i suggest getting...
  9. C

    Call of Duty MW3

    wasnt a big fan of black ops, mw3 is an alright game, just got the expansion pack for fear today, freaking scariest game ive played along with silent hill. but of course nothing beats left for dead and dead island, kicking some zombie butt.
  10. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    only sessile inverts in the tank as anything else will be food or a threat, i would highly suggest doing a reef tank, then trying a cuttlefish and if your still interested trying an octopus, then you may get alot of experience and be able to begin experimenting with the more difficult kinds to...
  11. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    yeah if you have to wait 10 months before adding an anemone i imagine its very similar with an octopus.
  12. C

    LED lighting and UL ratings

    with reef lighting you really get what you pay for, you could get a light for cheap but it wont last. or it wont have enough output to grow anything.
  13. C

    What is the best tank for a pico setup?

    on a rimless you just have to make sure to keep all your cords tidy and concealed within a stand. best to have an outlet tight behind the tank. the point of a rimless is to be minimalist and spotless, without this the effect is ruined.
  14. C

    Thoughts on an octopus tank

    octopi are very hard to care for, i would consider a slightly easier ceph which would be a cuttlefish. they are a little easier to care for and you don thave to worry about them escaping. they also often breed in captivity but are very hard to find online for sale. if your hell bent on an...
  15. C

    What is the best tank for a pico setup?

    Redirect Notice Redirect Notice Redirect Notice there are countless rimless tanks that look amazing without concealed lighting, i think concealed lighting on a rimless entirely ruins the effect unless its something like this. Redirect Notice
  16. C

    Elos Aquariums

    go with the first one, it has twice the amount of lighting as the second, you could grow anything under 18 cree led's. good luck with your future tank.
  17. C

    natural sea water vs. homemade

    thats exactly what im saying, but then that would also take a toll on the quality of the water.
  18. C

    Elos Aquariums

    looks like a quality tank, overflow is the prefilter that siphons the water from your tank down to the sump or fuge.
  19. C

    LED lighting and UL ratings

    i couldnt care less if the owner isnt a standup guy, it is a quality product and will fulfill all reef lighting needs. sure there are other ogod brands out there this is just the one that came to mind first.
  20. C

    LED lighting and UL ratings

    the marineland led fixtures are crap imo. they are not high quality led's and even the "reef capable" fixture is hardly reef capable, capable of a few soft corals and maybe a couple lps. orphek has some greawt fixtures large enough for your tank that could grow anything. Orphek Reef aquarium...