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  1. Parrot-Head

    Lost Creek 270

    Nice pics, I really like the 2 islands of rock, it really looks natural. Thanks for sharing
  2. Parrot-Head

    My 300 Gallon sps tank

    You are not supposed to drink the glue, thats what adult beverages are for:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  3. Parrot-Head

    Happy Thanksgiving Flathead and Mission Valleys

    Happy Thanksgiving to you as well Charlie, good friends are something that is to be especially thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving Charlie:D:D:D
  4. Parrot-Head

    My 300 Gallon sps tank

    Looking great, I can't believe how the emp is looking, and that rabbitfish is awesome, as is the blonde naso. Thanks for the pictures Charlie, keeps my heart in the hobby, you know what I mean
  5. Parrot-Head

    My 300 Gallon sps tank

    Sid, I couldn't have said it better:cool::cool::cool:
  6. Parrot-Head

    My 300 Gallon sps tank

    Looks awesome as usual, you know Charlie, Myteemouse has a point, if that tank was at my house the MH's would already be on:D:D:D:D:D
  7. Parrot-Head

    My 300 Gallon sps tank

    I'm gonna love it here:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  8. Parrot-Head

    My 300 Gallon sps tank

    Cool, so you will be posting all updates here, can't wait. :D:D:D
  9. Parrot-Head

    November's meeting

    Ah Yep, thanks, will explain later:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  10. Parrot-Head

    November's meeting

    this is the the pic I was referring to,
  11. Parrot-Head

    November's meeting

    Thats the one, it looked to be a 29 but I wasn't sure, she sure does have that going nice, it's a beautiful nano, don't tell her I called it a nano:):)
  12. Parrot-Head

    November's meeting

    I talking about the one the guys are kneeling in front of, and that you are sitting in front of in a couple shots
  13. Parrot-Head

    November's meeting

    Hey Charlie, what size tank is that???????
  14. Parrot-Head

    Links to old threads

    Good Job Charlie;););)
  15. Parrot-Head

    Thank you Reef Frontiers

    I'm a far away sorta member, I've got you all locked in my favorites
  16. Parrot-Head

    Parrotheads 55 Gallon Reef Tank

    I would appreciate any help in id'ing them, I've looked and haven't been able to match them up with anything
  17. Parrot-Head

    Parrotheads 55 Gallon Reef Tank

    I wish I had started with a 90, owned one many moons ago, it was set-up as fowlr, I'd kill for that extra real estate now..:)
  18. Parrot-Head

    Parrotheads 55 Gallon Reef Tank

    Thanks for the welcome and id on one flavor of my zoas, I've searched for the other with zero results:confused:, somebody will know what they are;);). I knew about the daisy/gsp, I just call them "daisy" sounds better:), before my 55 had to be redone due to some phosphate filled gulf...
  19. Parrot-Head

    Parrotheads 55 Gallon Reef Tank

    Here's a few more
  20. Parrot-Head

    Parrotheads 55 Gallon Reef Tank

    I've gotten a lot of help and advice from some of the members here, and I joined a couple months ago, so I figured I'd get some pics and information up here and start getting to know some more of you all. Here's some pics, please keep in mind it is a reef tank that is still taking baby steps...