Parrotheads 55 Gallon Reef Tank

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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2010
Jacksonville Florida
I've gotten a lot of help and advice from some of the members here, and I joined a couple months ago, so I figured I'd get some pics and information up here and start getting to know some more of you all.

Here's some pics, please keep in mind it is a reef tank that is still taking baby steps, so it is a work in progress:oops:, aren't they all:D:D

Tank specs are as follows:
55 AGA (standard dim.)
Nova Extreme 48 x 4 bulb fixture running stock bulbs
AquaC remora skimmer
Maxi-jet 400 w/Mod(1600 gph)
Hydor K-2
misc. powerheads x 2
60 +/- lbs of fiji rock
80 lbs of live sand(40 true gulf live sand, 40 bagged aragonite)

Current livestock:
1 Hammer coral frag (2 heads)
1 frogspawn frag (single head)
unidentified at the moment zoa frag(2 types of Zoas on frag)
1 daisy polyp (purple mat)
1 yellow tang (small, borderline med.)
1 coral beauty
2 Chromis (green)
Misc. snails

I think thats about it for specs, I'm sure I forgot something but if I did and actually remember:eek:, I'll post it here
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Looks like you have a good start. BTW, the green zoas look like radioactive dragon eyes, not sure about the other. The "daisy polyp" is Green Star Polyp or GSP.

Welcome to RF... :)
Looks like you have a good start. BTW, the green zoas look like radioactive dragon eyes, not sure about the other. The "daisy polyp" is Green Star Polyp or GSP.

Welcome to RF... :)

Thanks for the welcome and id on one flavor of my zoas, I've searched for the other with zero results:confused:, somebody will know what they are;);).

I knew about the daisy/gsp, I just call them "daisy" sounds better:), before my 55 had to be redone due to some phosphate filled gulf aquacultured rock, and had to start over, I had a really nice chunk of rock completely covered by a colony of gsp, pretty cool, I was able to keep it away from the main structure of rock so it didn't overtake the tank....:eek::eek::eek:
very nice setup so far. Like the rock work.
i started with a 55gal 2 yrs ago, getting ready to break that down to stat a 90.
Looks like you have a good start. BTW, the green zoas look like radioactive dragon eyes,

I am pretty sure radioactive dragon eyes are brighter neon least mine are :)

And welcome to reef frontiers. I think you'll find the community to be supportive, and happy to answer any questions you may have.
Welcome to RF,

I am also from Jax, FL and a graduate of UNF. I have family that still lives there.

Anyway, your tank has a good start, I like the overhangs and cliffs in it.