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  1. P

    Any thing new?

    I sold my reef system a few years ago in order to weather the storm of the recession. Just couldn't afford to keep it going. Probably a common story. I'm ready to jump back now and I'm wondering if I've missed any new developments or product introductions that make it all easier. I was using...
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    Alternatives to Protein Skimmers

    This seems to simplify things tremendously. Water changes. Not so much on equipment and filter media. Does that sum it up???
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    Alternatives to Protein Skimmers

    Is there any product, or combinations of products, that would eliminate the need for a Protein Skimmer. I've heard claims about Seachem's Purigen. I've also heard claims about using muds in a fuge. Any thoughts?
  4. P

    need help getting rid of hair algae!

    Phosphate is the big problem with hair algae. You can drop that with a number of different products, but you still need to get rid of the algae in your tank. The only way I've been able to do it is to remove from the tank the rock with the algae and scrub it with a wire brush. As long as it...
  5. P

    What is this?

    This worm just showed up in my long-established fish-only tank. I've had the live-rock for more than 4 years. Is this a good worm or a bad worm?
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    Has Anyone Used a SCWD?

    I just bought the 3/4 inch model. I wanted to install it this weekend. But I notice that all the sketches in the instructions show it being installed high, water-level. I wanted to install it in the cabinet, under the tank. Is there any reason why that shouldn't work?
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    Overflow boxes

    Has anyone had any experience with the Continuous Siphon Overflow boxes? They sure cost a lot more. But could be worth it if they are indeed quieter and can restart on their own after a power outage.
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    Overflow boxes

    right to the point... if i go with a 800 gph overflow box, how big a pump should I be thinking about?
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    Overflow boxes

    my skimmer is rated for a 200 gal tank. But I thought since I was replacing the the overflow box that ran water through my refugium I could consider over-treating the water in my tank. So if I were to move up to a 800 gph overflow box I should upgrade my return pump? To what? It has been...
  10. P

    Overflow boxes

    Hello all, Looking for some advice. I need to buy a new over-flow box and I'm trying to figure out which size to order. I have a 125 gallon tank. Manufacturers recommend a 600 gph model. If I wanted to upgrade to improve filtration, would I need to replace my return pump? Should the gph...
  11. P

    Polyps are taking over!

    I forgot to list the biologic load. I have a Niger Triger (6"), a Naso Tang (5"), a Lamark Angel (5"), a Maroone Clown (4"), a 6-stripe wrasse, and two damsels with attitude. I have a piece oof Hydnphora that's doing well, frog spawn that's doing great, plate coral that's dying, brain coral...
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    Polyps are taking over!

    Surf Buddy, is this the same thing you see in your tank? I'm still looking for a solution. The things are taking over my tank. I don't really fancy a tank of polyps and fish.... OldFishMan asked for the stats on my tank. It's a standard 125 gal, 72x18x23 tank. I run Current Outer Orbit...
  13. P

    Polyps are taking over!

    pictures? Here are some shots from my tank. You can see the polyps spreading across the sand and harrassing an open brain coral. And the third shot shows how they killed, I think, a sps frag. Any thoughts?????????
  14. P

    Polyps are taking over!

    I'll work on getting a pic for you. I've never done that before so we're talking about some new stuff for me. Stand by.... It looks like it's killed a plate coral with tentacles. I think it's killed some sps frags. And it's definately harrassing an open brain coral. I'll try to get the...
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    Polyps are taking over!

    :mad:One of the first species of coral that I purchased was your standard button polyps. They were on a small piece of live rock and they've done well over the two or three years that it's been since. In fact they are starting to take over my whole tank. They've virtually covered all my live...
  16. P

    Growing in my refugium...

    I've been using a refugium with Cheato for a couple of years now and it works great. Great water quality. But there are other thing growing in the fuge and I was wondering if I should be concerned. First off, I continually pull green hair algae out of the fuge. It seems to be stopped by...
  17. P

    Clown Fish Strange Behavior

    I have a Yellow Stripe Maroone Clown that has an interesting habit and I've been wondering what it might think its doing. I have a lot of rock and corral in my tank leaving only a couple small exposed areas of sand on the bottom. The Clown will swim to one of them, always the same one, and...
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    Aiptasia Control

    I noticed a couple of Aiptasia on my live rock and more of them on the macro in my refugium. The Blue Vet product made fast work of those on the rock in my tank. But do I need to be concerned about those in the 'fuge? My assumption is that they migrated from the tank into the 'fuge and...
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    testing, Calcium

    Specifically, Seachem Advantage Calcicium and Seachem Reef Builder. Are they reasonable substitutes for a liquid 2-part system?
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    testing, Calcium

    So I believe I've learned that I can't depend on kalk alone to keep things level. So I use the liquid 2-part to keep things balanced. Works well, but costs some coin. The powdered products available from Seachem or Salifert (or who ever else) seem to be less expensive. Do they work as...