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  1. mjslaugh

    Where did I go wrong??

    Okay so I just tested my water parameters today and a couple of them have me a little worried. Should I be worried, I just did a 5g water change that is almost 20%, do I need to do anything else?? PH in between 8.4-8.6 to hard for me to tell Alk normal range No2 0 No3 20 NH3 0-0.25 again to...
  2. mjslaugh

    Starting my first tank, any thoughts??

    Thanks for the advice, I got so frustrated with that hydrometer yesterday, I got 3 different readings within 5 minutes of each other that I ordered the refractometer, so at least that won't give me an more issues. I had an idea about that rock, I don't know if it is any good, but let me...
  3. mjslaugh

    Starting my first tank, any thoughts??

    I wish it was going better, I am very overwhealmed right now. I can't get a handle on the salinity of my tank, I am using this hydrometer which I have been told is reading 2 roints high, but I don't know I am thinking of just buying a refractometer. I also have macro algae growing on one of...
  4. mjslaugh

    My Shrooms need help badly.

    okay then what, I try to take the shroom off, boil the rock, and then?? I don't know much, but I am assuming that I would not want to put it back in the tank because of the ammonia from the decay right?? How would I get it ready to go back in the tank??
  5. mjslaugh

    My Shrooms need help badly.

    okay how do I cook it??
  6. mjslaugh

    My Shrooms need help badly.

    My Solution lloyd has taken a liking to it, not even 5 minutes up there and he has eaten a cm square patch of it and I think the snail is going to town to but he moves so slowly I can't tell. If he keeps it up I think that'll work.
  7. mjslaugh

    shout from the locals

    I have been wondering about this club, is there anyway to find out a little about it, for starters is is just a RF club or external with a forum on RF?? Also are there anything special you got to do to join or just live close to spokane?? Anyhow just some thoughts. Oh and jake thanks for the...
  8. mjslaugh

    I think I am good for now, The 35lbs I have in there fills it pretty well. As for the army I...

    I think I am good for now, The 35lbs I have in there fills it pretty well. As for the army I was actually considering the green to gold program. They were going to give me E-4 and then send me back here after the initial training and I would be paid active E-5 to finish the last two years, but...
  9. mjslaugh

    My Shrooms need help badly.

    I appreciate the input, I really nead to think about what I want to do. This was the only rock I bought with anything really alive on it, and these are the critters I have grown attached to, so I hate to just sacrifice them to make less work for myself. As for the water tests i don't think...
  10. mjslaugh

    My Shrooms need help badly.

    ammonia and nitrate zerod out a few days ago, however the ammonia did go up a tiny bit after I added my cleaning crew, but it is back down now. I know it is not fully ready for livestock, but I had two lfs shops test it and they both said it was fine(I use there tests to make sure I don't screw...
  11. mjslaugh

    My Shrooms need help badly.

    sorry the highlighting from paint didn't show on the last pic, if you look at the same level as the top of the snail on the right and go left there is a little mini ridge on the rock in the middle you can see the pink start of what I think is a shroom.
  12. mjslaugh

    My Shrooms need help badly.

    Okay so I had a hitchicking Shroom on a piece of live rock that I got and I think it survived the cycle, but now it doesn't look to good. The one side has been folded in since I got it but the side closest to it has shrunk in(If you would like to compare you can see what he looked like a few...
  13. mjslaugh

    What are these little guys??

    Thanks, I am really enjoying it. So then is there a particular technique to keeping caulerpa in check?? Cheney is a little south and a little east of spokane, its the town where EWU is located.
  14. mjslaugh

    What are these little guys??

    I believe so, I have seen it really short and long, but I have never witnessed the motion. So is that caulerpa bad??
  15. mjslaugh

    Starting my first tank, any thoughts??

    Hey Kevin just sent you a PM.
  16. mjslaugh

    What are these little guys??

    haha, there he is, my little emerald loves the camera, he found his way into this shot.
  17. mjslaugh

    What are these little guys??

    Okay I just got a good pic with the little guy extended, I didn't have a chance to circle him, but he shouldn't be to hard to find just look left and below the shroom.
  18. mjslaugh

    Hey Kevin, I just got into it like a month ago, I was visiting a reef shop in moses lake and...

    Hey Kevin, I just got into it like a month ago, I was visiting a reef shop in moses lake and though about puting a tank in my son's room, and that is when I discovered all the neat stuff with sw. So here i am like a month and a half later with a 29g biocube in my living room with 35lbs of...
  19. mjslaugh

    Pic limit to small

    I am using photobucket and that is working great for inserting into thread, My issue is with the personal gallery, which I had wanted to start until the size limit. I have been trying to resize my images with Adobe PhotoShop and with that by the time it is below 100k it is very low resolution.
  20. mjslaugh

    What are these little guys??

    Assuming mine are just really small still, they do look like that using a web to feed, however the one guy in question doesn't he doesn't put out a web and when he comes out of his tube he sticks straight up almost the full height of his tube, and he is a really amazing blood red color. I still...