shout from the locals

Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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one larg lps
Dec 20, 2005
spokane w.a
Just looking to add everyone here in the inter spokane area ..So we have some bragging rights over the seattle area...SO LETs HERE IT ..HERE IS MINE

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Tracy here- Not actually in Spokane but fairly active in the Spokane club...and where I go to do most of my reefer shopping!!!

Got a 155 gallon mixed reef display in the Palouse.

Hope you get more shout outs on this thread Will- I think its a good idea to get reacquainted with local hobbyists since there seems to have been a large turnover in the last five years and this forum isn’t as active as it could be!

Gina-Spokane Valley 40 breeder now, with a 100+ gallon half circle tank in the works!!! =)
I like frags. ;-) Yes, Spokane reefers don't seem to be very active on the boards. =(
Was thinking about adding everybody that I have as Spokane contacts(70-75... actually maybe not as many now, I think some have moved) to my friends list but I have only met a few and didnt want to freak anybody out with the strange guy friend
If you would like to add me, by all means go ahead :)
I have been wondering about this club, is there anyway to find out a little about it, for starters is is just a RF club or external with a forum on RF?? Also are there anything special you got to do to join or just live close to spokane??

Anyhow just some thoughts. Oh and jake thanks for the freind invite, I welcome any attempt to meet people in the area, being a newb I can use the freinds with experience.
jake65- that is awsome that you know 70 local reefers!!! you should encourage them all to be active in the club!
BTW, how do you do a friend invite on the forum?

mjslaugh-the club is not just on RF, we also try to get together once a month in the Spokane area. This month it is at my house which is actually in Palouse! To get on the e-mail list sent a PM to "The R/C Man" Greg, and then show up at some meetings- thats it- no dues or anything- just people that get together and talk about reef keeping.

The SRS meeting this month is on Sept 27th at my place in Palouse, so it is a bit of a drive. It should be fun though as it is a BBQ, frag and equipment swap, and talk about coral physiology. Also I have a 155 gallon tank stuffed with a variety of corals that you can stare at:D

If anyone did not get the invite you can PM me or PM The R/C Man, Greg, to get on the permenent e-mail list.

actually I dont know 70 local reefers, I just add them to my contacts when I see that there from the local area.:rolleyes:
To add people to your friends, just go to your contacts and check the friends box next to the name and it will envite them:)
To add to that, I probably only know about 10 or so people, others I just know from talking to them here or just noticing that they are from the local area, then I add them:)
New spokane reefer here

The SRS seems like a pretty cool idea, I am new to the SW world and still cant keep up with all the lingo as of yet but ill get it down with time.

My tank just just finished cycling so i am pretty stoked about that. Now i get to create my shopping list to fill my 135g.

Well, see you guys around

nice that is what i love here and at the meeting's great peeeps with empty pockets and a hole lotta reef stories. l.o.l.
Brandy here. I live in Mead. My husband and I (reefferman) have a 300gal in-wall reef aquarium. I haven't attended any meetings mainly because I think my kids would get bored out of their minds and Mike doesn't get off work until 7pm, which is the time the meetings are held. Maybe if they were on a Sunday...

Do kids ever go to these meetings?
HELLO!!. Very, very new here. Just started with a 29 Nano cube. 1 week and SSSSOOOOO hooked on this.
But got scared this evenening it is like all of a sudden since 2 this afternoon that i have these brown-orange "spots" showing up on the sand and the rock!!!!:| What have I done. PLEASE help, was really getting excited about first fish on wed. Now afraid to add anything in case I have done something wrong.
HELLO!!. Very, very new here. Just started with a 29 Nano cube. 1 week and SSSSOOOOO hooked on this.
But got scared this evenening it is like all of a sudden since 2 this afternoon that i have these brown-orange "spots" showing up on the sand and the rock!!!!:| What have I done. PLEASE help, was really getting excited about first fish on wed. Now afraid to add anything in case I have done something wrong.

It would probably be better to post your question in the General Discussion or New To Reefkeeping forum.

My guess though is that you probably have diatoms, which is a natural occurance with new tanks from what I've read. I would do a google search on diatoms in reef tanks. From what I've read the best thing to do is let your tank mature and make sure you use RO/DI water, not tap water.

I'm not an expert in this area though...

Hi All,
I am very excited to host the club meeting Saturday- I hope that many of you will be able to make the drive and hang out at the BBQ!

Brandy, there are occasionally children at the meetings but not many. The meetings are intended to be family friendly events thought so it should not be a problem if you want to bring them.

I agree with brandy that you may get more responses if you put your question into the general discussion forum. Posting pics helps too. I would check out diatoms and also orange flat worms which are common and annoying although not necessarily bad.
