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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. F

    Cannot figure this out at ALL!!!!

    OK i just thought of something, My tank is in the basement and the sump is in a storage room behind the tank. My gas furnace is in this room as well and the sump sits near it. Could I be having CO2 probs from this furnace? and if so what could I do about it? I leave the door to this room closed...
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    Cannot figure this out at ALL!!!!

    OK my tank is a 90 gal over a year old with a 20 gal sump and a 5 gal fuge. My bio-load is not heavy, I run a urchin pro skimmer and have 6 maxi 1200 and a mag 9.5 sump return for flow along with my emporor 400 that i took the wheels out of and use for carbon and mech Filt. I started having a...
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    Fish wanted!

    Two words.... Naso Tang. Fun to watch and peacefull, eats from your hand, and just gets more colorfull with age. I have one with my hipo and they are best buds. Erik
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    Sand Bed help

    OK thanks guys for all your help, this really is the best board around. Friendly people and quick responses to questions. Thanks, Erik
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    Sump Flow Rate Debate.

    Its funny that this came up because I recently without knowing it put this to a test. My sump has about a 5 gal rubbermaid on top of it that I plumbed with a 1 inch inlet twords the bottom and a 1 inch gravity outlet to the sump below. My skimmer and return pump are in the sump. Now the fuge on...
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    Sand Bed help

    I have been using oceanic from the start and I do what I call Typhoon with a PH on the bed and rocks once a week to stir up anything that is hiding. Has anyone here tried using Eurythromycin on their tank for a cyano prob? I was reading some on Reef Central and there were a group of about four...
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    Sand Bed help

    Tnk is 1 year old, no trites, trates or amonia at all. 90 gal with a 5 gal fuge that goes into a 20 gal sump. Skimmer is an urchin pro driven with a mag 3. flow with 4 maxi jets and the mag 7 from sump along with an emporer 400 for mechanicle filtration. tank inhabitants are- 1 ocellaris, 1...
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    Sand Bed help

    Could too shallow of a sand bed (like .5-1 inch) be the cause of a cyano problem that only affects the sand bed? I was told to get the benifits of a shallow bed that it should be about 2 inches deep. Should I add more to get it to a 2 inch depth or does it matter? Erik :confused:
  9. F

    Overflow problem

    I just wanted to give an update on the oil slick problem I was having. Well I tried evrything to get my overflow box to pull this slick off but it just would not co-operate. The cyano continued to get worse no matter what I did so i went and put my emporer 400 back onto the tank and spent 2 days...
  10. F

    Overflow problem

    Thanks for the info. after looking at the tubing to the power head and the nipple area I think it may be clogged up a bit. I will clean it all out and see what happens. I'll let ya know if it works. In answer to the other questions I checked all water params and I have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrates or...
  11. F

    Overflow problem

    I have a 90 gal glass with a CPR overflow with the single 1" drain line that goes to my sump. The sump return is a Mag 7. I have noticed that over time even after cleaning it that the overflow is not doing a good job of pulling the slime coat on the water down into the intake. I am noticing...
  12. F

    Power Head Placement

    OK I am soliciting everyone on this so please chime in and give me your thoughts. I have a 90 gal glass tank not drilled with a HOB overflow to my sump and a Mag 7 for a return so unfortunately I have to use power heads to create flow for my system. I would like to know how to place my PH's so...
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    Chaeto Question

    I got some Chaeto a while back and over time it has what I would call "disolved". I am not sure why this has happened but now all I have is a very small clump left. It was placed in my sump which had a normal output lighting fixture and bulb over it. Is this normal or did i do something wrong? Erik
  14. F

    Kudos to Captive Reefs and Aqua C

    Hey all I just wanted to pass along a positive experience that I just had with Captive Reefs and Aqua C. I recently purchased an Urchin Pro with a Mag 3 for my tank from CR. I had discontinued used of my Aquamedic turboflotor about 5 days earlier due to a new sump design so I was planning on...
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    Manifold Question

    My tank is already up and is a 90 gal with all lps softies and fish. I am not planning on any clams or sps at all. The tank for now is all glass and is not drilled so I have to use a HOB overflow to my sump so I do need to match the flow limit of the overflow. right now I have a single 1" outlet...
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    Manifold Question

    so take a look at this pic and tell me what you think. The pic on the left is a look at the top and you can see the pipe around the top of the tank with four loc line outlets in the corners. The pic on the left is a look at the front with two pipes coming down from the top in either croner and...
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    Manifold Question

    What if you where to drop another pipe down the back of the tank in the center that incorprated a spray bar along the bottom of the tank? would that help with the flow along the bottom? I have a 90 gal up and running for a year and this looks like a good idea to get rid of the power heads in my...
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    Aqua C urchin Pro - Questions

    Yeah thats what I thought. Mine is devoid of any outlet at all. This sucks now I have sold my other skimmer and my new one is useless as is. Well I guess now we see how good Captive Reef customer service is and how fast they get me another, Thanks Erik :mad:
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    Aqua C urchin Pro - Questions

    No I have ran a couple cheap skimmers in the past and the problem is that I don't see any outlet for the water other than the top of the unit. I am thinking that this one did not get the oulet drilled and installed or something. The water has no where else to go but up and out the top. If you...
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    Aqua C urchin Pro - Questions

    Anyone? :?: