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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. F

    New Tank Update!

    Yep thats looking good to me still just let me know when and I am still in. Erik
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    I have noticed alo of what looks like little white buggy critters moving around on the glass of my tank is this normal or should I be worried? They are very small and I can't make them out very weel or I would post a pic. Thanks, Erik
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    Bubbles from my sand

    I have a 90 gal glass with 60lbs of LR and about a 1.5-2 in sand bed that I seeded around 3 weeks ago with 2 lbs of sand from one of Kevins tanks at Aquatic Dreams. I have various snails and a few hermits and all are doing great motoring around cleaning. I have noticed in the last couple of days...
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    Drilling a glass tank

    have a 90 gal glass with nothing but LR, LS and a small but efficient clean up crew inside and am trying to descide if this is possible. I would like to install a long overflow in one corner and install a sump. Is it possible to do this without draining the tank and how does one go about...
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    How Many Fish?

    I have finally finished my cycle on my 90 gallon. The Ammonia and nitrites are at 0 and the Nitrates are at <5. I have 60 lbs of LR and lots of flow with a Protein Skimmer. I am running 220W of PC and a SG of 1.025-1.026 my temp stays pretty consistant at 76-79. I have about a 2-3 inch sand bed...
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    Macros in tank?

    I was wondering why I don't see more macro algae in peoples tanks. I was thinking of putting a few shaving brushes in my tank alins with some other as well but am trying to figure out if there is a "down side" to doing this. Lemme know what you all think, Erik
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    Disaster Has Struck!

    Hey I have to go over anyways so the gas is on me I just want to help out if I can. With all the help this site has given me its the least I can do for one of you all. Erik
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    Disaster Has Struck!

    Hey, I was reading all these posts and I am in awe of the support here. I drive to Missoula all the time for buisiness and would be more that happy to take it the rest of the way over. Just let me know and I am in!! Erik
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    Sump set up questions

    Thanks guys, I really am not so much afraid of an overflow but was tring to "design the bullet proof system" But I think I do agree after getting so many peoples input that 1. Overflows can be reliable 2. Just routine maintenance will make sure of this 3. the size of the sup I was...
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    Sump set up questions

    OK i do see your point on that. (and I do appreciate the devils advocate). Heres the solution --- Put a float switch onto the return pump that would stop it if the penguin descided to crap out, which I think is unlikely but eventually would happen. How about that!! Thanks Erik :cool:
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    Sump set up questions

    OK granted ther does need to be a level of water in the penguin but all you would have to do is install a stand pipe that allowed for enough water to be in the canister to start a siphon which my penguin manual says is half full. This should counter the restart problem. Erik
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    Sump set up questions

    Its a 48X18X24 But what about the Penguin filter idea what do you think about that? Erik
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    Sump set up questions

    OK what about this. Instead of using a pump in the Sump I use my Penguin 440 and put a 3/4" bulkhead or even dual 3/4"'s (one on either side) and use that for the line into the sump. The penguin does not continue to siphon when the power goes out. And with a return line set close to the surface...
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    Sump set up questions

    OK I want to set up a sum on my 90 gallon glass and am very nervous about using an overflow because of the potential for a flood. I was wondering this Why can't you just use a pump to bring water into the sump and forget about the overflow. Then when you loose power you loose power to both in...
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    Pic of the tank

    Well I got the sand bed in and went to Aquatic Dreams and got a couple pounds of LS from Kevin. My ammonia has finally dropped to 0-0.2 but I am stil running ~ 25 on Nitrites and ~ 50 on the Nitrates. I am day 15 on the cycle so these should drop soon too right? I am Hoping to get an order to my...
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    Need some input

    I think this site has helped me more than any other. The thing I really like is the fact that I can ask a question and get some sort of answer within no more than 24 hours (and for a newbie this is crucial so that I dont really muck my tank up). Maybe I havent found it yet but A section on how...
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    What is coming out of my rock?

    Better shot of "IT" Erik
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    What is coming out of my rock?

    My wife and I were looking at all the life coming from my new LR when we noticed something coming from inside a hole on the side of the rock. There are two "tubes connected together one large and one small. The larger tube is slightly flared open while the smaller is conical and its opening is...
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    show me your tanks

    Just a start for me! currently 60 lbs LR in a 90 gal, 4X55W PC 2-10K & 2- Blue. Via-Aqua Protein skimmer and a Penguin hang on at 400 GPH. The rock is only a week old but I am amazed at the amount of life coming out. I Have been pleasently suprised by the fan worms, coraline, and some other...