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  1. cookie

    Midas Blenny

    well...I got one, the cutest little midas blenny! She seems to be doing good but spends most of the day hiding. She is eating though and comes out on periodclly. Is this normal behavior? Will she eventually stay out more of the day? I do not know if she is indeen a she that is what i call...
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    Midas Blenny

    I guess nobody has a Midas Blenny...too sad. They are sure cuties! I want one.
  3. cookie

    Midas Blenny

    I am thinking about getting one, a midas blenny as they seems to have a ton of personality when i see them at stores. Has anyone had or has one that would not mind sharing some thoughts or even stories about these guys? Thanks.
  4. cookie

    Could somebody ID this crab?

    I have one in my tank that I cant did you cath yours??
  5. cookie

    Strang Situation-clown/anemone

    They way I understand things is that the BIGGER clown should be in or at least around the anemone and my BIG one has NO interest in the anemone and my LITTLE guy hangs out in it all day. Does anyone think the little guy can teach the girl eventually what to do?
  6. cookie

    Strang Situation-clown/anemone

    Background: 1 small true percula clown had for 6 months, 1 bigger oscellaris TANK RAISED clown had since February 2009. Small true percula originally had a LTA until it started eating EVERTHING and I had to get rid of. Added a rose buble anemone and he (true peerculla) would not go into the...
  7. cookie

    i think my plate is dying

    well i sure hope it will pull through
  8. cookie

    i think my plate is dying

    I have moved it to a lower flow area. Is it possible that it will make a recovery?
  9. cookie

    i think my plate is dying

    nothing has picked on it that i have seen and all parameters have been fine. everything else in the tank is doing well, including my purple plate.
  10. cookie

    digital camera

    Does anyone out there have any great recommendations for a digital camera that will take good tank photos...or if not digital, anything that will take a pretty good tank photo?
  11. cookie

    i think my plate is dying

    I have had a long tentacle plate coral for about 2 weeks and about a quarter of it has kind of melted off leaving just the skeleton. Is there anything I can do to help my little guy out? here are a couple pictures...
  12. cookie


    well good to know i am on the right track then. I think I just need to add more live rock so that I can better stagger my corals.
  13. cookie


    I am really confused about corals. I know you are supposed to give them all room and their fair share amount of realestate however, I see tanks on line that are so beautiful and it appears the coral overlap and stuff. My tank looks so random with all of my corals so spaced out. I am...
  14. cookie

    long tentacle PLATE CORAL

    is four inches from other coral roomy enough so should it be more like 6 or so?
  15. cookie

    long tentacle PLATE CORAL

    Hello! I just picked up a plate coral which I am very fond of! I am just wondering if anyone some good care tips, stories, experiences etc. I could learn from. I have done a lot of internet research but i thought it would be fun to get some advise from those with first hand experience. Thanks!
  16. cookie

    zooanthid question

    what are the flow and light requirement for zoanthids?
  17. cookie

    zooanthid question

    About a few weeks ago, I bought some zooanthids for my tank. I have been noticing that some are a bright green and others are a dark reddish color. What does this mean and will that all be green at some point? I am having a hard time finding info on the web.
  18. cookie

    rose anemone question

    So my beautiful rose bubble anemone will not stay put. It was staying until sadly I changed the flow. No my anemone has moved and it is touching my frogspawn and hammer coral. What should I do and will they kill each other? Thanks for the help.
  19. cookie

    Mystery crab

    what would you suggest if the rock he is leaving in is right at the sands level? He is living just barley off the sand....Thanks and great photos!
  20. cookie

    Mystery crab

    A bit more info...he is defenienty very dark in color and just the tips of his claws are white. He hangs out on a rock and reaches down in the sand for stuff to eat.