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  1. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    Thanks a lot for your compliments guys! A fellow reefer tested my water this weekend and he got pretty much the same results for my Alk and Calcium. Right now I am having a problem with my pH. It is swinging from 7.70 to 8.35 and that can't be good. Hopefully I will have the refugium up and...
  2. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    I took this picture of the tank Tonight. It's starting to look like a reef now. What do you think?
  3. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    That's a good idea Gaby. I'm going to take a sample of my water to my LFS and see if their results match they ones that I'm getting. Thanks for the tip! :)
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    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    I love your avatar Gaby, it makes me laugh everytime I see it. :) I use Salifert test kits. For now I will continue adding some more corals to see what happens.
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    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    Well I finally got a chance last week to hook up my new skimmer and sump. I hope to have it all done in a few days. By the way, I noticed that my Alk and Calcium never go down. Apparently, the water changes every 2 weeks keep the levels up without adding anything else. Does that mean I need to...
  6. C

    Where to buy gray pvc?

    I already checked all of my local stores and none of them carry them.
  7. C

    Carlos 60 gallon new tank

    Wow it's been a while since my last post. Anyway I got my skimmer last week but it came broken so now I am waiting for a replacement, also my new sump is on its way, hopefully I will be working on all the upgrades in a couple of weeks. :)
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    My male percula

    I spent 1 hour online looking for frozen spirulina and I could not find any. How about buying spirulina powder from and adding it to the food?
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    My male percula

    I went out and checked all of my LFS and the only Spirulina I could find was in flakes. Is that ok or should I try to order the frozen one online?
  10. C

    My male percula

    Lee, would you recommend any particular brand for Dried seaweed? Also, what do you think of this Spirulina...
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    My male percula

    Wonderful article Lee. What is the best source of greens in your opinion? Thanks a lot!
  12. C

    My male percula

    Well now that you mention it, my skimmer hasn't been working properly for a while now. Besides obviously fixing that problem, is there anything else that I can do for him? he eats very well, I mix a few frozen foods and add vitamins to it.
  13. C

    Purple Firefish got ich

    Thanks you guys. Any idea what could have happened?
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    Purple Firefish got ich

    I just got home and he is dead. Yesterday I spent like an hour just checking on him and he looked perfect, actually I was planing on putting him on the main tank next weekend since the hypo treatment was almost completed. This morning he looked fine, I fed him and now he's gone. I double...
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    My male percula

    The thing is that it does not look like she did all of it. His fins look kind of faded on the orange part.
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    My male percula

    No, he doesn't go after her. He is always the submissive one of the pair and lets her know she is the boss all the time.
  17. C

    My male percula

    I noticed that my male Percula is not looking all that great. He is eating and behaving normally but some of his fins look kind of chewed up. In the past I've seen the female bothering him but not lately. Is there something I can do to help him?
  18. C

    Lee's Computer Crash

    Sorry to hear about your computer problems Lee. I'm an IT specialist and I'm at your service anytime. Where do you live?
  19. C

    Purple Firefish got ich

    Lee is right, I haven'r raised the salinity since I started the hyposalinity treatment. The fish is eating like crazy 3 times a day, it's stomach which looked sunken until last week, is looking way better and I am sure it will look completely normal in a week if it continues eating this way...
  20. C

    Purple Firefish got ich

    Firefish is looking a lot better, it has been more active and finally started eating properly (he loves the Formula 1 with the GVH vitamins). Do you still think I should raise the salinity?