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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. Falcn

    started tank today

    I've just gone through this whole process. Kicked mine off on 1st August and these guys gave me some fantastic help especially with the water parameters. I've now got a solid and stable reef, a little bare of large corals as yet but lost of little frags all growing and splitting nicely. I've...
  2. Falcn

    recommendation for high light and high flow area

    I have an area in my tank which has high light (2x250w MH) and high flow (tunze 6100). Any recommendations for which coral will be capable of this location?
  3. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Ca = 360 Alk = 8.5 dKH Ph = 8.3 getting closer on these params, all other params stable hair algea still a problem, but i don't think it is getting any worse. In fact I think it has lost some of its vibrancy. We might be making progress on this too ;-)
  4. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    So next question - given that I don't have a dosing pump what sort of method would you recommend for getting the calcium and alkalinity supplements added. I'm guessing the slower the better and not just dumping in a cap full at a time. Any recommendations - I'm using liquid supplements (Kent...
  5. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Hi Don, went and bought a set of Salifert test kits - here are the results: Ca - 300 dKH - 7 Magnesium - 1110
  6. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Which test kits would you recommend?
  7. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Hi Don, thanks for the reply and URL The Alk test kit is Aquarium Systems fasTest (Aquarium Systems make Instant Ocean) The Ca, Phos, Ph test kits are Nutrafin by Hagen The Amm, Nitrate and Nitrite are by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc
  8. Hair Algae during tank cycle

    Hair Algae during tank cycle

    A newly setup 4ft tank showing hair algae infestation. Both green and brown hair algae is evident.
  9. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Latest test results: Ammonia - undetectable Nitrite - undetectable Nitrate - undetectable PO4 - undetectable Alkalinity - 4.9 DKH Ca - 400ppm Ph - 8.3 Are these results getting close - I'm not too clear on the Ca/Alk/Ph relationships Does anyone know of an alkalinity/Ca balance calculator on...
  10. Falcn

    attaching an anemone

    yeah he's found a suitable place - behind the rockwork out of sight ;-/ Now where's that superglue ;-)
  11. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Hi guys, thanks for the replies. The salt I was using is a 'generic sea salt' from the LFS. When I rang to find out which manufacturer or what the source was he was pretty evasive. I've just done a 50% water change using Tropical Marine Reef Pro Salt and will do another 30% over the weekend...
  12. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    So how long does the hair algae infestation phase usually last? all parameters are now stable and low - ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate etc amm - undetectable nitrite - undetectable nitrate - <5ppm phosphate - undetectable I can't find anything in the water that the algae could be using...
  13. Falcn

    Im New here..

    Hi Timberwolf, I'm probaqbly just a few weeks in front of you, changing from a fish only to a reef, with some cherished, but not reef safe 'friends'. I had a Picasso Trigger which is very definitely not safe, so I had him in a second tank until I could find a good home for him. He went...
  14. Falcn

    attaching an anemone

    So I am now the proud owner of a bubble anemone. Trouble is it doesn't appear to be able to hold onto any of the rocks, even when I place the base plate in a good deep cave/crevice. Is it worth turning off the tunze streams until it gets a grip? How do you guys deal with this sort of situation?
  15. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    No its not too bad and thanks for the advice about waiting it out - very good advice indeed. What I can't figure out is what the algae is feeding on - next to nothing in the water that I can detect. I'll do another 10gal water change tomorrow just to make sure
  16. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    You are correct - the test results were copied down incorrectly - Ca is 360ppm Alk is 87.5ppm still low in both cases.
  17. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Getting a brown algae bloom, but can't identify anything which could be feeding it. Any suggestions? Ammonia - zero Nitrite - zero Nitrate - near zero Phosphate - near zero ph - 8.5 <- need to drop this a little to 8.2ish Alkalinity 100ppm CaCO3 <- need to...
  18. Falcn

    Cycling a new reef

    Update: Ammonia zero Nitrite: zero Nitrate 5ppm New sump under construction to incorporate a fuge and auto top-off ;-) looking good Now starting a slow stocking regime - might have something to look at pretty soon ! I'll drop in a couple of photos as soon as I can
  19. Falcn

    UK equivalent of Weld-on adheiesive?

    Yay!! :D - orderd some of the Weld-on 16 Many thanks Scooterman
  20. Falcn

    UK equivalent of Weld-on adheiesive?

    For info - I asked the loctite tech support - no such product in the range: Loctite do not have any solvent weld adhesives for bonding polycarb so on this occasion we are unable to assist regards Ian Gatherum Application Engineer HENKEL UK LTD :(