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  1. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    If you have any zoos then just try this. Get some cyclops , or if their large enough brine shrimp , and target feed them with a turkey baster. Just blow it toward them and whatch. They will take it . This isnt needed but i think if they feel happy and have plenty of food they will multiply much...
  2. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    My brother has Zoo heavy tank and upgraded to MH lighting. He has PPE and many other types. His zoos took to the light like a fish to water , little pun intended. Better growth and color and in the low areas and the high areas. Zoos will do fine under lower lighting also but my bro's tank...
  3. gary shandling

    Help with SPS lighting

    Encrusting in a sign of growth and a good sign. THe color change could be from a differance in lighting.
  4. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    You need to arrange the coral around the flow. You want to create a circular motion that hits all areas. If this seems to help then perhaps researching better powerheads might help.
  5. gary shandling

    lighting on A 55gal tank

    Depends on your desired coral stock and your budget. I would stay away from PC lighting but in a mixed reef tank PC lights is higher watts will work. I hate to say but this isnt a cheap hobby. A 55 will raise your electric bill about 50 bucks or more monthly alone as with the price of salt and...
  6. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    Your view will be much better with proper water circulation and better feeding habits.
  7. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    Zoos will do just fine under high lighting and do need small meaty bits of food. Some can even be targt fead though not needed. I suspect low flow and poor feeding habits are the bigger issue here. I was helping with original question though. This may help , GL..
  8. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    In a 135 you want around 2500 gph and from sources other then your return pumps. As for food its best to feed your fish more often and a variety. Like 5 or 6 types of food 2 or 3 times a day in smaller amounts. Cyclops real good for fish and coral. Then the flow is needed to deliever the food...
  9. gary shandling

    Help with Zoos coloration

    With this amount of light i say mid range in the tank would be fine. The better light you have means more placement options and they will adjust to the higher light even if placed high. The liight also helps bring out colors that maynot be seen with other type light. But light is only one...
  10. gary shandling

    Help with SPS lighting

    For flow you go by your powerhead ratings. You want a minimum of 20 times water exchange. In a 135 that means around 2600 gph. But with dpd 30 to 40 times exchange isnt unheard of. SPS and most other coral need small meaty bits of food and keeping the food suspended and flowing for best capture...
  11. gary shandling

    I did not add a plenum.....

    No. They are only a nitrate factory. Your LR and LS will be fine if you have proper water circulation. Why do you think you even need this?
  12. gary shandling

    Fish Mouth Peeling

    Could be from running into the LR. 2 tangs would need plenty of room or a lrger tank for plenty of swiming space. Tanks size and amount of LR and type of tangs?
  13. gary shandling

    Help with SPS lighting

    Im guessing this is a 75 gallon tank? You have lots of light in there with 500 watts of MH lighting alone. I would use the T-5 strip for your antic lighting. MH lights are very good and your coral will do just fine with this. I wouldnt goto T-5's if you have MH lights already. MH lighting gives...
  14. gary shandling

    Anyone been stung by a frogspawn?

    Some type of blue tip Acopora. It did make me nervous but not enough for a trip to the emergency room.
  15. gary shandling

    Anyone been stung by a frogspawn?

    All coral can sting. And all people are differant and some might not feel anything and in extreme cases could die from this. Better to be safe then sorry. Ive touched many coral and felt no fear. After recieving a new SPS frag i used bare hands to mount on a frag , poylps closed. Well about 15...
  16. gary shandling

    Cycling a new reef

    Nitrates are to high. You need to find the source.
  17. gary shandling

    Question about live sand and rock.

    In a new setup then this is a good start amount. It gives enough rock for bio filtration as with lose enough for good water circulation around the rock. Then as you add frags your LR amount will rise anyway. LR being your best bio filter means you want its amount to match your load which would...
  18. gary shandling

    I Have Declared War!!!!

    SHouldnt vacuam your tank. I fresh water dip and good brushing of the LR might be needed. Extreme conditions mean extreme measures.
  19. gary shandling

    SPS Tank Equipment Ideas

    The skimmer is for catching dissolved solids that fish produce. So the amount and size of your fish along with your water readings , mainly ammonia , should help. But its best to get a skimmer a little larger then your tank size. SPS perfer good water circulation and consistant proper water...
  20. gary shandling

    Cycling a new reef

    Nitrite is a reading seen during a cycle. A cycle is to build your bacteria population. This needs 4 to 6 weeks minimum. I would be more concerned with why your FO tank crashed. FO tanks are much easier to keep compared to a reef tank. If you really want to si it right then we need more info...