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  1. Milez803

    Help with SPS lighting

    thanks guys for the tank is more like a box rather than a is 22 inch in height..i think the reason why its not a 164 is because of the overflow is very large..and its right in the middle of the tank..because i have 4 side view of the tank..with rock stack...
  2. Milez803

    light requirements and substrate?

    hey high should the light be off the water..because for my 2x250watts..i have it 1 and half feet high..wonder if that a bit too high..
  3. Milez803

    Help with SPS lighting

    from what i was tank is 130..gallon..its 4 feet lenght..3 feet wide and 22 inch tall..not sure if my lighting is enough..coloration on my sps seem to be turning brown..when it was in my 65 hex...the color was alot for current...any way to test..if the flow is good..i do see...
  4. Milez803

    Help with SPS lighting

    another quick question....the amount of flow in the would u know if you have a decent amount..i have 2 return flow..both on each side of my overflow box the middle of the tank..blasting on the wall of both side..which bounce off the glass..and also a max the middle of the...
  5. Milez803

    Help with SPS lighting

    i currently have 48'x 22'x36..tank..with a custom overflow in the middle.. currently running 2x54watts T5 and 2x250 Watts MH.. i been reading alot about T5..and how it is possible to maintain sps coral with them.. anyone have any idea what type of t5...and how many bulbs would require for SPS...
  6. Milez803

    tri color or purple bonsia

    don't think its a tri color..the branch..that i got seem alot thinner..might be a bonsia or vlida or something like that.. i'm suprise how do u keep your sps so close and they don't touch..mines tend to fall over and touch each other and bleach..lost a purple rim cap to millie...any tips kevin...
  7. Milez803

    tri color or purple bonsia

    anyone got a photo of a purple bonsia or tri color, i recently pick up a frag..2inch that purple and with green polyp..was wondering if it was a tri color or bonsia..especially the branch are a bit thin compare to most acro... thanks
  8. Milez803

    Help with SPS coral

    i currently move some of my basic soft coral like zoo, as of right now..i move couple frag of sps like millis and encrusted monti... the liverock is from the old tank, but sand and water was a complete new from the store... alot of my sps are i rather take the risk in the new tank...
  9. Milez803

    Help with SPS coral

    Can anyone offer me any advice, recently i just bought a new 130 gallon tank. i had a 65 gallon hex tank, my sps coral was doing fine, until the day i move out all the live rock and move it to the new tank for cycle..and its been about 2 week, not sure why my 65 gallon tank boom with hairy...
  10. Milez803

    Chiller Question

    Summer coming, and this year i plan to get a chiller. Every year my corals always die due to the heat. This year i have spend alot on Sps coral and i plan to keep them alive. Can anyone provide me with information on the chiller size. I have a 130 gallon tank with maybe 40 gallon sump. many...
  11. Milez803

    help with transfer Sps coral to new tank

    The new tank will be using same live rock and sand from the old tank. only thing different is i might have to buy 2 more 20lb live sand.. my tank has bee establish for more than 1 year and half.. i was thinking about recycle it with majority of the tank water...and also might get some mangrove...
  12. Milez803

    help with transfer Sps coral to new tank

    Hi everyone, Can anyone give me advice on how to transport my sps coral to my new tank. At this current moment, my sps coral is in 55 hex with 10 gallon sump. And i'm gonna transfer it to a new tank 120gallon with 30 gallon sump. I wonder if i bring some of the water from old tank to new...
  13. Milez803

    SPS frag tank

    Hi everyone, At this current moment, i'm trying to build a SPS frag tank with frag rack. I thinking about creating 40 gallon tank with frag rack. Use to grow my own sps coral. Here a list of supplie that i came up with. If i'm missing anything feel free to drop any advice. 40 gallon...
  14. Milez803

    help with water reducing calcium in tank

    any advice to help reduce calcium in the water would really help. I haven't dose part A and B for 3 week. I did 10 gallon water change with saltwater from the LFS. Also another 5 gallon from my own mix with IO salt. calcium was reduce to 500, but after 1 week without doing anything, calcium...
  15. Milez803

    calcium question?

    after few water change, the calcium level have drop from 850 to 500 or 480, i will attempt to do another water change to reduce the calcium level to 440 if possible. For the alk, i believe is at 11.0. still trying to control the water condition to fit my sps coral. i notice, majority of the...
  16. Milez803

    calcium question?

    I was just wondering if calcium in the water decrease over a period of time, because at first my calcium level was at 800 ppm, but after a 10 gallon water change, it drop down to 600ppm. after one day, the calcium level drop to 560. I was recommend by kevin to do a water change with Instance...
  17. Milez803

    Kent Marine Tech M??

    Recently i found out that i overdose on Calcium, after testing it, my calcium level was at 850 and after a change of 10 gallon water, it was reduce to 600, and i also dose Kent Marine Tech M for magnesium hoping to lower my calcium level. anyone have idea what Kent Marine Tech M do? and is...
  18. Milez803

    SPS with Soft Corals?

    quick question, does leather colt contain toxic?:confused:
  19. Milez803

    Comment by 'Milez803' in media 'Bali green slimmer (Acropora sp.)'

    jealous! why can't my tank be like that!!!