SPS with Soft Corals?

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Designer Reef
Aug 22, 2007
Currently my tank has all LPS and three types of soft corals in it. I want to add a couple SPS to my tank, but I have heard that the softies put off a slim that will kill SPS. Is there a way to solve this?
Thanks for any help.
It really depends on the types of soft coral you have. Soft corals can range from very toxic to not toxic at all. Running carbon and regular water changes will go a long way in mitigating the buildup of toxic compounds.

I have a yellow Fiji leather, toadstool leather, and some pulsing xenia in my 180. This might be a dumb question, but whats the best way to run carbon and for how long?

Some people run a carbon reactor and others just put a coule cups in a filter sock in the Corner of the sump. Just rinse it before you use it and change it every month or so. IMO you should be fine to add a few acros. I have far more softies than that in my SPS tank.
Great! Thats awesome to hear. I've wanted some SPS for quite some time, but was afraid that I would be just killing them by putting them into my tank with the softies in there. Thanks for the information!
The Xenia is not a problem but the Sarcophyton corals can produce toxic compounds that can irritate, stunt the growth, or even kill, LPS and SPS corals. I run carbon for 10 days a month and pull it out when I do a water change.
The best method to utilize carbon is to have a device that you can push water through the carbon. Canister filters or hang on back filters that have media containers are excellent for this purpose. A cup for each 50 gallons should work fine.

An added benefit of running carbon is that it improves water clarity which allows better light penetration. With the cost of lighting systems most people would like to utilize them to the full extent possible :)

Kevin's given you great advice. He is after all the SPS Guy!!! As he mentioned, your Leather Corals are quite toxic towards SPS corals. I have a Leather and Toadstool in my 75 with SPS. In fact, I've also got GSP, which is just as toxic, if not more so. I run carbon in a media sock in my sump. I do have a canister filter that I don't use and should think about using it instead. It'll be a better carbon filtration method. Lots of carbon, lots of good flow, good skimming and frequent water changes will give your SPS a much better chance.
Well, I started to run carbon yesterday. I don't have anything to push it through yet, but I put the bag in my sump next to the overflow drain pipe. How long should I wait before I can start getting a few SPS? And also I'm only running 3x150W HQI and 4x96W PC, so what would be the best SPS for that lighting?
A good SPS coral that is quite resistant to soft corals and maintains its color under your lighting is Montipora digitata. It is commonly available in orange, pink, green, and purple. It grows very fast, 1"+ a month.

wow, okay I have a toadstool, a colt coral, a bunch of zenia, a kenya tree, zoos and... still at work and can't think of what else are any of these toxic I wasn't aware that they could be or are.
The zoo's are most toxic - can kill you, if toxin gets in your bloodstream. (becareful of touching them if you have open wound) Lots of flow, carbon, skimming you can do mixed reef with no problem. I find mushrooms to be the hardest to deal with - they grow like weeds!
does leather colt contain toxic?
The common name colt coral has been used to describe several species and/or families of corals some releasing toxic compounds while others do not. A picture would help.

When I speak of toxins I should differentiate between toxins for humans and toxic compounds released into the water column. In this instance I'm referring to a family of compounds (Terpenes) that soft corals release to defend their space on the reef. SPS and LPS corals can be stunted or even killed by a buildup of these compounds. These compound do not affect all SPS or LPS corals or all individuals of a species. They do however tend to have more of an impact on certain groups. This buildup can be more toxic if other parameters are out of the ideal range.

Location of the coral that produces these compounds to one that is sensitive is of little consequence if they are in the same tank. The Terpenes are quickly dispersed throughout the tank with the rates and type of water flow we normally employ.

Palytoxin produced by Palythoa and related zoanthids can be released if the coral is crushed or cut. Normally if you are exposed on healthy skin this is not a problem but if you have a cut or abrasion it can be a quite dangerous. Also if you get it in your eyes or mouth even by touching your fingers to those areas you can be exposed/poisoned.

Many of the LPS corals and some of the SPS corals can produce stings that can be felt, leave welts, and sometimes boils and scars. The corals use this weapon as a defense of their space and to capture prey items. Some people can be stung many times without a reaction but over the course of a few years they become hyper sensitive and develop a severe reaction to that type of poison.

Gloves are always recommended when handling any coral. This information is not meant to scare you but just for education. With a few precautions you and your corals can be safe and happy :)

"Some people can be stung many times without a reaction but over the course of a few years they become hyper sensitive and develop a severe reaction to that type of poison."
i learned that the hard way..... my hand doesnt like something in there...

the aquagloves are pritty much useless.....

i have SPS LPS and meny softy's..... if you see the slime i would move something away from something..
I was unaware of the issues between Sarco's and SPS. This reef has been running for twelve years. Actually the SPS corals weren't introduced until about eight years ago. The SPS/Softie ratio is about 50%. Everything flourishes and I frag things constantly. So, I guess it isn't impossible to keep them together. Ignorance can be bliss.