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    dumb question? how to get water into your sump

    the life reef over flows sound really realiable.
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    dumb question? how to get water into your sump

    how do you match a U tube to the return pump
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    Best in sump skimmer?

    What is the differance between the wet and dry skimmate?
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    dumb question? how to get water into your sump

    i checked out the equipment gallery but i still dont have a very good idea of what they are or how they work?
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    dumb question? how to get water into your sump

    i have a plan for a sump and im goin to use a submerable pump to get the water out of the sump and back into the tank but how do u get the water to go into the sump if it is located under the tank, and if the tank is not drilled?
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    small and simple DIY overflow?

    somthing that syphones water into the pump would be nice.instead of having somthing pump the water into the sump because having water pumped into the sump could cause a flood if the pump that returns the water to the tank dosnt pump water back into the tank fast enough.
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    small and simple DIY overflow?

    I have an idea for a sump, but im stuck on how to make an over flow dose any 1 have any plans on how to make a small and simlpe DIY overflow. i want somthing small because its only for a 20 gallon tank.
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    soft coral safe anenome

    thanks for all the help i think i will probly hold off on the anemone till i get more experience in the hobbey but thanks any ways.
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    Best in sump skimmer?

    I think i might invest in a urchin pro it sounds pretty good. would it be good for a heavily stocked 20 gallon w/ 10 gallon sump
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    Best in sump skimmer?

    i went a looked up the aqua c urchin skimmer and read a review on the site and it says it out performes the berlin skimmer by red sea. any idea about how good turboflotor skimmers are?
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    low light clams?

    ok thanks for the help
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    soft coral safe anenome

    my main goal was a hosting species because i was thinking about getting a clown or 2, but i would like a species that also stays fairly small. i know it is not neccisary to have an anemone for clowns but i thought it would be cool to see how clowns interact with an anemone.
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    low light clams?

    i was planing on running a a 24 inch 65 wattsingle linear strip with a 10,000K lamp over my 20 gallon waould that be enought light?
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    low light clams?

    are there any speices of clams that can be kept under power compact lighting?
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    Best in sump skimmer?

    im not looking for an extremly powerful skimmer, it is only for a 20 gallon tank with a 10 gallon sump but i would like to keep maybe around 8 - 10 small fish not to sure about that thought.
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    soft coral safe anenome

    Is there any anenomes that are safe to keep with soft corals? I know when an anenome moves from 1 spot in the tank to another they can sting other corals are there any speices that dont have a potent sting or a sting that wont hurt soft corals?
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    Favorite live rock?

    whats your favorite live rock? I like lalo live rock has alot of color to it, but on the down side it isnt too cheap.
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    I dont plan on keeping any sps or clams due to there need for intense lighting, but i do want to keep fish soft corals and maybe some lps possible an anemone in the future. Under the tank i only have room for probly a 10 gallon, if i used some type of big plastic container i might be able to...
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    Sump lighting?

    would it be alright to light a sump with regular floresint lighting?
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    Best in sump skimmer?

    what skimmer is the best for in sump usage?