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  1. janky

    Rothany's 2.5 gallon Sexy Shirmp mini reef

    Very cool!!! I'm excited to see this tank grow! What kind of livestock can you keep in something that small besides the sexies? Also thanks for the link on those LED's.. I've always wondered how people set them up for such small tanks.
  2. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    Thanks Der. I'll probably ask about something at the LFS then and look into doing an iodine dip. Yeah, I don't have any zoas attached... they're "wedged" into the rocks :) The one that isn't cooperating is on a frag plug circle thing that fits at the base of one of the rocks. We'll try that...
  3. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    Well, the calcium is going down! We're at about 540 now lol... started using regular salt instead of reef salt mix. the corals are all doing great, our favia is growing over the edges of the rock, and everything looks pretty colorful/healthy.. except.. how do I get zoas to open up? I got a...
  4. janky

    Starting Soon

    wow! I like it!! That's really cool :) I'm admittedly terrible at aquascaping, but yours looks awesome! You can keep brittle stars in 12g??? How big do they get?
  5. janky

    Question on a cycle of a new tank.......

    I found an older edition of the book for $9 shipped. Some of the equipment is outdated (undergravel filters, etc) but all the basics are the same and it has a really comprehensive listing of all the fish/inverts/etc.
  6. janky

    Question on a cycle of a new tank.......

    That's the chemistry/biology behind it in as basic of terms as possible. The only real "tell" that your tank is cycled is the presence of nitrates. If you had an already existing tank and left it up and running for 5 weeks you SHOULD be good to go. I mean, you said the fish and corals are doing...
  7. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    My understand is this; and correct me if I'm wrong, because I am new to saltwater (but have freshwater/biology experience) The cycle's purpose is to develop beneficial bacteria that break down ammonia and nitrogens, jezz explained that better that I could. Algae grows from nutrients/light just...
  8. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    Oh, also I may up north today towards BRA if anyone would like to rehome this wonderful (yet slightly aggressive) emerald crab.
  9. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    Well, I definitely underfeed if anything. Since I only have a cuc in there I just toss in like 4 or 5 marine pellets every 3 days or so. I spot feed my favia/candy canes mysis shrimp eod, and any remnants of that I imagine get eaten by the cuc. A skimmer.. eh. I don't wanna pay much for one on...
  10. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    been slacking on the update... had someone very knowledgeable test my params; dKh is 9.3 Ca is actually 620 (wow) Mg 1430 Sooo we narrowed down the Ca issue and it's either 1) the crappy live rock I bought from petco lol or 2) The fact that I'm using reef salt mix and have nothing in there...
  11. janky

    Starting Soon

    Wish I could answer that for ya...if you're only getting the 12g I don't think you could fit 2 of these over it (??) I have a 12 hex and it spans the top of mine (well, mostly). I'm sure on a more rectangular/square tank you probably COULD make two fit, but I doubt you'd need it.. Anyone else...
  12. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    we're using the API liquid test kit. It's the one where you put in drops and count how many it takes for the indicator to turn purple/blue/blurple. It took about 32 drops. The chart stops at like 26, which is somewhere in the neighborhood of 500+ I assumed that's wrong so yea, maybe I can have a...
  13. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    Everything is still lookin great... the kryptonites are opening and growing and the busted one seems to be repairing itself pretty quickly. The favia is growing over it's frag rock and looking really healthy, bright colored, and raised. The sexies are partyin like crazy, and my crab comes out in...
  14. janky

    i have a question

    Yes the freshwater sand will hurt the fish. If not from algae blooms, then the anoxia that is the result of them, if not from that - from having to inevitably change out the freshwater sand for live sand (someday when you have money) and then letting the fish sit in an uncycled QT for days while...
  15. janky

    i have a question

    I'm not nearly as experienced as most of the people on here, but when I set up my reef I used freshwater silica sand and was advised against it due to how likely it is to cause hair algae (which I was actually starting to see forming around the edges). The live sand is fairly cheap as well...
  16. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    ^ Yeah I just saw that after I posted it and was looking at them. I guess those are out!
  17. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    Just an update; everything in this tank is actually going great! I'm researching on testing/dosing for calcium and phosphates and I even ordered the book NC2WA recommended for a reference/summer reading material. The corals look incredibly colorful and are opening up quite a bit, despite one...
  18. janky

    While we wait...

    Cool! I'm interested in how this turns out :) I have an awkward hex that I'm learning on so I'll following along in this thread and take note!
  19. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    Thanks for the heads up! Yeah, I don't know much about dosing the water... so I will definitely read up more on that, and I will look into the book linked as well.
  20. janky

    First SW tank.. tons of dumb questions! Help a newb get started? :)

    sorry if I sound pissy man, I just want to be clear ... its not like I found an empty pickle jar, filled it with tap water, and started tossing triggerfish into it or something lol I'm doing my research and asking questions here. I understand patience and not rushing - I didn't feel that I was...