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  1. mysis

    Book of coral Propagation

    No probs, just watch out for them sharks! :eek:
  2. mysis

    Hi anthony !

    What is your new book going to be based about?
  3. mysis

    Book of coral Propagation

    Will do, unfortunately, everything is so far away from me and shipping is $$$, but i guess it is worth it, have you been diving in Australia? if you haven't i really recommend it, best place in W.A is ningaloo reef, it is really close to shore, not like the barrier reef which takes 3 hours or...
  4. mysis

    Un-killable cucumber

    hello, i have a black knobby cucumber, i brought it home on some lr and i had no water from it's previous tank so i dumped it in my tank, (during a cycle). over the past few weeks, i haven't seen him, then all of a sudden last week he came out. every day he is out, scouring the sand bed...
  5. mysis

    Hi anthony !

    LOL, it is a bit bright, but there is some good info on this site aswell.
  6. mysis

    Hi anthony !

    LOL, I was the first :D
  7. mysis

    Book of coral Propagation

    Yes, i have check and site a like, it will cost me $71 US dollars for 5lb of weight, and i can't go under that amount. so i am alreayd looking at $100 + for it, thats shipping and your book :( . I have called the book store in Perth, capital city of W.A and asked them to get it...
  8. mysis

    Un ID leather coral

    Will do, been researching this one for a while, on RC aswell, and other forums, i am still to find an ID, i am new to this site though, and will continue searching.
  9. mysis

    Book of coral Propagation

    Where abouts online can i buy this book, no LFS seems to have it and i have been to 5 so far. i am getting it in preporation for the corals i will be getting soon, i want to read up on it, and then 6 months or so i want to try and frag something.
  10. mysis

    DI water Purification

    Well, sound like DI would be a better choice, I haven't seen any at all in australia, as RO/DI, is the preferd method by pretty much everyone here In W.A for some strange reason, unless it is just the enitial set up cost that scares them away? But you would think due to the water chortages we...
  11. mysis

    DI water Purification

    But due to the fact that DI units are 100% water efficient, they are still a better choice compare to RO/DI, also you said on RC that the resins can last a very long time, but i have conflicting information from a book called "The Complete Book Of The MARINE AQUARIUM" by Vincent B. Hargreaves"...
  12. mysis

    Un ID leather coral

    Marine biologists i know, occassionaly collect this species, and are yet to put an ID on it. It is collected in India Ocean Waters or Western Australia, if that helps? any ideas
  13. mysis

    DI water Purification

    Hi Anthony, i have a couple of questions about Deionizing units, and since you use these units yourself, i thought i better ask you. OK, basically i have been read and researching these and i just have a few quick questions, i'll just make sure i understand it correctly. Resins in the DI...