Book of coral Propagation

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
NW Montana
Merry Christmas everyone,

I know this might not be the exact right place to post this but I wanted to thank Anthony Calfo personally for a great book!!

Under the tree this morning I found a small little package and I was thinking great a book. What's she thinking I don't read :)

But as the cover was revealed I began thinking, "this might just come in handy"

In about 2 hours time I realized everyone out there who try's to grow corals might be able to learn from this great book and I just thought I would put a little free advertisement for Anthony.

Oh, and to boot, It's even autographed :eek:

Just wanted to publically thank my wife and thank Anthony for sharing his knowledge.

Where abouts online can i buy this book, no LFS seems to have it and i have been to 5 so far. i am getting it in preporation for the corals i will be getting soon, i want to read up on it, and then 6 months or so i want to try and frag something.
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thanks for the interest, my friend :)

do look at some of the online vendors such as or see the list of dealers and distributors at my website for a possible local to you.

Anth- :)
Yes, i have check and site a like, it will cost me $71 US dollars for 5lb of weight, and i can't go under that amount. so i am alreayd looking at $100 + for it, thats shipping and your book :( .

I have called the book store in Perth, capital city of W.A and asked them to get it in for me, along with Reef Invertebrates, An Essential Guide to Selection, Care and Compatibilty. and that come up to like $80 australian aswell. Could you tell me what you cover in Reef Invertebrates, as i am unsure whether or not to get it?

Thanks :)
Will do, unfortunately, everything is so far away from me and shipping is $$$, but i guess it is worth it, have you been diving in Australia? if you haven't i really recommend it, best place in W.A is ningaloo reef, it is really close to shore, not like the barrier reef which takes 3 hours or so on a boat journey to get out there. it is just great to see shoals of damsels, then moorish idols shoals hear and there, also groupers and wrasse, clownfish hosting a huge anemone. The fishing is also good, but on the down side, every aquarium item seems to be double the price, i mean it is $450 for a Regular Prism Skimmer!!!!
you know i agree Anthony, i think it'd be awesome to get a copy with your autograph in it :) .
Mysis, you might be far away from us, but you got an awesome place to live .
I'm out of my own books right now (all in the hands of distributors)... but I believe and/or have signed copies :p

Thanks kindly for asking :)
Ordered your book Anthony :), after the 2 hours it took for running around to here there and everywhere, we were finally able to order it, it turned out that in-town was not bothered about ordering it in :(

Had to go huntin!!!

All was not lost though i found a place that is getting it in for me, takin a while though, went snorkeling the other day, saw a few schools of skippy and 2 stingrays, 1 was about atleast 6 ft across.

Also, I was wondering is it possible, to propagate Cand Cane Coral??? or do they reproduce by themselves?
For those in the continental US our club (PSAS) has some signed copies we are selling (proceeds go to the club). PM Colleen (jesshimom) for pricing info.