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  1. vinny2261

    Need advice moving 14g biocube!!!

    You can also find hot or cold packs as needed. If you want to save the water get about three bucket w/lids. You can divide the rock between two and put your sand in the other, divide the water between buckets. The hermits and snails should be fine in the buckets. Fish I would place in...
  2. vinny2261

    No, I had to close the doors. My Sales where down after the move to Sprague and it never really...

    No, I had to close the doors. My Sales where down after the move to Sprague and it never really recovered. When this recession it it drop down to around $10.00 a day. Was not paying the bills and I do not have a bank account to support it. I am working on a online store,
  3. vinny2261

    Love hate relationship!

    They are just trying to protect thier house from intruders! But the Aqua Gloves are just a good idea for your protection. Most fish can nip just to check it out and see if it is food. If you end up with a pair of clowns and they lay eggs then they can be REALLT protective.
  4. vinny2261

    Little white creatures!!!!!!

    I usually find them near the bottom of the tank or around the top rim. I think they are after a little of the premium algae that grows around the water line. I have occasionally seen larger ones climbing around on the wall. If you watch you tank when the lights firs come on you can sometimes...
  5. vinny2261

    Little white creatures!!!!!!

    I would agree that it looks like it has legs, which could be a Hydyoid. If it is it is not good. Usually you can have a outbreak of these floating aptasia especially when feeding live foods. Maybe nastier than aptasia because they float and stick to creatures. One other thing it could be is...
  6. vinny2261

    Question about 1st tank......

    I drill tanks if you can not find some one closer. I can also build the overflow box. Most tanks are tempered bottom. You can usually find the list on the manufactures web site. The all glass 40 gallon breeder is not tempered on the bottom, no center brace, very nice tank for corals, but...
  7. vinny2261

    New Kol Tang - help!

    Also ich is spots, injury is usually scrapes which can lead to bacteria and fungal. Which is usually blotchy discolored area or areas can spread quickly especially if highly stress or poor conditions. Can happen while being caught, being transfered, goes on and on....I would agree it should...
  8. vinny2261

    Fish for Nano tanks? :]

    Damsels have their place. Usually in a larger aquarium where you can school them. IMO it seems that if you have two or three they bicker all the time and chase stuff around. Now if you have say 12 or 15 they chase each other around and try and keep their own territory. In a small tank that...
  9. vinny2261

    MH bulb lighting help..please

    Also the 10000 k are really more yellows and the 14000 k are more whit to slight blue and the 20000 k being blue. it is some time hard to tell unless you have each side by side. I found that going around to msome of your friends or LFS to see what lights they are burning. Then I would take a...
  10. vinny2261

    Green Slimer Problem

    With all the hard corals and the one soft coral there could still be a good war going on in that small of a tank. Depend on the flow and how the flow is moving through the tank it could still be getting the effect of the soft coral. I also agree that you are dosig way to much, most of those...
  11. vinny2261

    Fish for Nano tanks? :]

    Yeah, If you put a damsel in you have to get it out.... I had a yellow clown goby, a small cleaner shrimp, a snapping shrimp with a goby. Some mushrooms and zoeantids. You can also get some of the cooler red or green culerpa to help in algae control.
  12. vinny2261

    New Kol Tang - help!

    Also, one more note. Tangs and a lot of other fish like hide out in rocks at night. Some actually wedge themselves into a previous for security. Constantly moving rocks around to check on them can trap, or crush them. This can sometimes help (moving rock) if you are introducing a new tank...
  13. vinny2261

    id my hitchhiker crap please

    Puffer food.
  14. vinny2261

    Love hate relationship!

    Get some Aqua Gloves....
  15. vinny2261

    id my hitchhiker crap please

    Looks like a rock crab that come in live rock very very tiny and grow to get quite big. Move around rock three times thier size and will eat what ever it can catch. Catches alot of things! Notice the very pointed pincher. Tearing, ripping, poking and digging.
  16. vinny2261

    What would you do to Fix this??

    Here is what I did for deep tanks or hard to reach spots. I purchased a piece of the ridged air tube, that goes inside the uplift tube for a undergravel filter, and a short piece of the flexable air tubing. Take the ridged tube and connect it to the end of your syringe with a short piece of...
  17. vinny2261

    Setting up a new 125, help with configuration

    Be careful of "cheap fluorescent" lighting, moisture can get to the ends and start corrosion. This can lead to a short or a fire. A electronic float switch can be used to shut off your pump if the water level rises to high. The switch set up has a low switch and a high switch. One to top off...
  18. vinny2261

    Setting up a new 125, help with configuration

    Yes if you are worried about the drain clogging I would definitely get a screen cover. I had a snail crawled in my drain tube and it was like someone closed a valve. I was so lucky my Wife was sitting there talking to me on the phone when it happened, She unplugged the pump. That would have...
  19. vinny2261

    How to take off silicone on acrylic tank?

    Also if you have any scratches you want to remove you can sand it first. The scratch removal kits they have out ues extremly fine grit paper, which you can locate at auto body supply shop. Some deeper scratches I have even used 400. Pretty harsh but it got the job done in a quarter of the...
  20. vinny2261

    Earthquake safe classroom aquarium?

    Is it required at your school for the tank to be earthquake proofed? I agree that a good stand with a acrylic tank would be the safest against leakage and breakage. Also much easier to customize for overflows setup if you want to put the tank up against the wall. Maybe even make the stand...