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Reef Aquarium & Tank Building Forum

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  1. M

    Carpet Anemone in Danger?

    My tank is 110 gallons... they were on opposite sides of the tank initially. I have absolutely no idea why the carpet moved to the condy's side.
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    Carpet Anemone in Danger?

    Does anyone know if the Condy could be doing some harm to the Carpet. The Carpet Anemone seems to move around quite a bit and she's been right next to the Condy for about 2 to 3 days now. Today as I peered in I noticed the Carpet's color around the area where she sometimes contacts the Condy...
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    Is My Bubble Coral Dead?

    Ouch so.... with the heat hear in southern ca my water temp is at 82 deg F =( I need to buy a chiller asap. Any recommendations for a 110 gal tank? the rest of the water parameters are as follows: Ph 8.4 Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 5-10 Calcium - 380 KH - 196.9 Iodide - 0.06 oh the...
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    Is My Bubble Coral Dead?

    well I will run tests on my water tonight and post results, however, I did change out about 20 gallons on Sunday so I'm suspecting that my water parameters should be alright... I will post the results as soon as I get them. As for the bubble coral... she's been looking like that for about a...
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    Is My Bubble Coral Dead?

    Hello All, She looked much better than this when I first bought her... And I did have some High Nitrate issues back in January. However, things have stabilized and she now looks this way. Is she on her way out? Should I put her in the QT?
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    Help! How do I clean my sump?

    phew! thanks for the info... i was starting to think i might have to undergo yet another fire drill... :| hehe well the whole filter sock changes have HELPED TREMENDOUSLY! thanks a million... I'll post new pics and new water parameters by the end of this week just to get some feedback on my...
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    Help! How do I clean my sump?

    you know i should probably repost this question else where...
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    Help! How do I clean my sump?

    oh wow! Hello, Sorry with it being Tax Season it's been incredibly busy in my world. As for my tank.... it's doing quite well... at least i think :\ well here's a pic of the front part of my display tank... Is there something I should be doing with my sand, (maybe clean it)? I am afraid to...
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    Maroon Clown Upside Down and Not Eating :(

    oh man :( I have class tonight from 6:30 to 9:30pm :( Nemo's been visibly sick since last Thurs I believe... i'm not sure if i will administer the medication before class or after... (will 4 hours make a difference at this point) :( oh the inhumanity of this :( I went to two LFS stores today...
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    Maroon Clown Upside Down and Not Eating :(

    The numbers previously posted were in reference to my main system. The QT has: Temp: 80 deg F SG: 1.025 PH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 The maroon clown is not eating :( He was added directly (acclimated for about an hour) into my main tank in November of 2006 and then recently he...
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    My Maroon Clown Has Popeye :(

    Hello, I posted a question about my maroon clown, but haven't had any responses. Is there something that I need to be doing differently in the Marine Fish Forum as opposed to this beginner forum?
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    Maroon Clown Upside Down and Not Eating :(

    Hi everyone, three days ago I moved my Maroon Clown into a quarantine tank. That tank had freshly mixed salt water with all the normal water parameters. Only things present in the QT are a heater and a thermometer. The maroon clown floats upside down at the top of the water. I think his...
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    My Maroon Clown Has Popeye :(

    thanks a lot guys, I'll run those tests tonight and repost my question this evening.
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    My Maroon Clown Has Popeye :(

    Hey guys my maroon clown has a slight case of popeye, he doesn't want to eat and two nights ago he just wanted to be left alone near his anemone. Last night he began to swim towards the edges and looked like he was hoping to get through the acrylic or something. I don't have an extra tank...
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    Help! How do I clean my sump?

    Hello Ed, Do you have any pointers on feeding Acropora's? Mine went from having a greenish tint to becoming brownish and tan to having some really WHITE areas on it... does this mean she's dying???
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    Disappearing Orange Spotted Goby

    I do have a brittle star!!! but it's body is not as big as the goby. Also, I haven't seen my six line wrasse in 3 days either... I just thought of that :( and they're not in my overflow... I just checked there. I wonder if my rock is hiding them :( this sucks, my wrasse was pretty cool...
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    Disappearing Orange Spotted Goby

    Hey guys anyone know if it's normal for my goby to have disappeared for like 3 days? I'm on here today researching what to feed my Purple Tilefish and my Orange Spotted Goby... if anyone can point me in the right direction (in regards to other threads) I'd appreciate it....
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    Help! How do I clean my sump?

    yes plain fresh RO nothing added into it but it's not installed yet... still have to do some more reading before i get it going...
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    Help! How do I clean my sump?

    oh I forgot, my salinity jumped to about 1.027 and I have a tunze osmolater but don't quite have it going just yet those things are nifty contraptions but I am afraid to set it up just yet as I am not home all day my thoughts are to have it connected to a 5 gallon container of RO water and...
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    Help! How do I clean my sump?

    last night after class i checked my nitrate and pH: each were 5 and 8.4 respectively. :( I rinsed out my filter sock in RO water and cleaned my skimmer.... but am sure I need to replace that dumb sock all together :( can't wait to find those... must travel to an LFS immediately!