My Maroon Clown Has Popeye :(

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
Long Beach, Ca
Hey guys my maroon clown has a slight case of popeye, he doesn't want to eat and two nights ago he just wanted to be left alone near his anemone. Last night he began to swim towards the edges and looked like he was hoping to get through the acrylic or something.

I don't have an extra tank setup, any ideas? I hear epsom salt in a separate tank will work, but what about his feeding?
You need to set up a QT tank for him. Steve-s is the best person to help you. You should post this is the marine fish forum and you will get alot of help. Most fish will stop eating when they are sick. Steve is very knowledgeable on fish illness.
Hey there miNiChher,

I agree with mmkeeper, in that Steve-s is going to be someone with probably the best information for you about your fish. You should go here, then post this same question for him in there;

When you do post in there, give Steve as much information as you can about your system, and fish. What are your tests? Not just "everything is good", but give him the actual numbers! Run every test that you have, temp, S.G., pH... all of them, and put that information in that post! Let Steve know how long you've had your tank, what size your tank is, other occupants... just about anything you can think of!

I know, we often feel we are doing too much typing (okay, so I'm probably known for WAY OVER DOING the typing thang), but the more information you can give Steve up front, the more backround he will have about YOUR situation, to give you the best guidance he can!

Good luck, and keep us posted!
Hello, I posted a question about my maroon clown, but haven't had any responses. Is there something that I need to be doing differently in the Marine Fish Forum as opposed to this beginner forum?
I have actually been working today (imagine, them wanting WORK out of me while I'm here... geeeeeesh!), but just saw your post for Steve-S. I'll be tagging along with you there, hoping to learn more myself about how to better take care of our animals.