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  1. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    thank you. all are small (1-2") except the two blue gobies are 3" inch and the yellow tang is 4". i feed the sun coral directly using a syringe/bottle (see pic) as you say, before the rest of the tank gets a look in. i'm doing three 40% changes over the next fortnight to reduce the nitrates by...
  2. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    fish: i have..... two percula clownfish (Nemo and Sushi), a firefish (Grumpy), a yellow sailfin tang (Tango), a yellowtail blue damsel (Pepsi), a ?name rainbow tang (Speedo), a lawnmower blenny (Flymo), a ?name black stripe damsel (Coke), a sea urchin (Chloe), five red-headed gobies (unnamed)...
  3. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    wow, thanks steve, what a great answer. overfeeding / overstocking : guilty on both counts. i'll cut down the feeds, but i ain't doing a cull. the wife obsessively buys stock and loves feeding, but she's away for a couple of months, so i can control this at least. poor aeration : i wasn't...
  4. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    *bump* anyone who helped me up above (or anyone with a good understanding of reef chemistry) ..... pls help, mixing ingredients standing by :D i did a fair bit of reading about calcium control and alkalinity, and understand that i need to add them in balance. my replacement water is ready for...
  5. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    thanks all. it looks like i have a lot of reading to do, to understand the chemistry before i can fix it. to summarise: my water salinity is too low, my calcium is too low, but for some reason my alkalinity is high-normal. i need to get a Mg kit, then my options are to either use calcium...
  6. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    that was 20% of the tank volume. i figured that adding this would bring the tank's average figures up, and will check later. did i make a boo-boo? :(
  7. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    calcium... okay, i got home and tested my ready-to-go-in bottles of water: they were only 320 calcium themselves, even after i'd added the bottle's stated amount of additive :( so i added more salt and calcium supplement to each bottle, such that each new 25L water tub is now about 38ppt and...
  8. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    goodness, thanks all for the info people. i don't have a test kit for Mg yet, so i can't check that one, but I can answer some of the other Qs: it's a newish 340L tank (only 4 months old) with an external filter, live rock and coral sand, and a protein skimmer. i was told to keep the...
  9. shirley knott

    Calcium and pH

    Hey fellas, I discovered my calcium was too low (around 300-320), probably because for several months I used R/O water without supplementation. I just started with soft corals, but I need to fix this to expand into the hard coral species. Therefore a month ago I switched to Red Sea salt, added...
  10. shirley knott

    what's up with my leather coral?

    update a couple of weeks later, and one has fully recovered. the other i still hold out some hope for, and have spotted a low-calcium problem i am treating. oh, and i made the feeder, thanks! :D
  11. shirley knott

    what's up with my leather coral?

    hmmm well that sounds like an excellent method, but my sun coral is atop the rocks - should i place it down on the sand then? is it really not looking well - looks pretty good to me.
  12. shirley knott

    what's up with my leather coral?

    is that the orange one? beautiful, isn't it. i know very little about it, bought it for the appearance. the shop guys said to syringe it food twice a week, but it seems o be thriving on just the daily frozen cube + a few flakes the tank gets every day - the one time i used a syringe, the food...
  13. shirley knott

    what's up with my leather coral?

    more pics thanks, i'll do that. are they dying, or do they bounce back? here's some more shots of the tank:
  14. shirley knott

    what's up with my leather coral?

    the tank is still quite new - 4 months - and is an 80gallon (340litre) setup with mostly just fish and shrimps, snails and live rock. once a week i change 50L water from an RO. skimmer and external filter, 4 powerheads. ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 10, ph 8, 80F, 28ppt salinity, 0.25...
  15. shirley knott

    please help me identify my PO4 test kit!

    /me does backflips with happiness i wanna bear your children. is there a rating function in this forum, cos you get a maximum from me. thanks matey (and to all who helped) :oops: :D :D :D
  16. shirley knott

    please help me identify my PO4 test kit!

    hmmm maybe someone pinched the instructions leaflet from the box outta the shop. i would never have chucked out something good like that, or a colour chart :confused: now i'm gonna hafta go back to that shop, hope they have more of the same, and obtain another leaflet/colour chart :evil...
  17. shirley knott

    please help me identify my PO4 test kit!

    so close now the chart?
  18. shirley knott

    please help me identify my PO4 test kit!

    almost.... getting closer all the time - that's the kit all right, and the #3 bottle is glass. only thing missing is the instructions: "To use the Hagen test kit, dilute the urine sample with distilled water. To do this, use 10 drops urine, plus distilled water to the fill line. Then follow...
  19. shirley knott

    please help me identify my PO4 test kit!

    yes... but that's exactly what it is according to the bottle, well spotted. i also did a fruitless internet search using the name. i was hoping someone on here had that kit and could copy the instructions down here for me.... :razz: :| :)
  20. shirley knott

    please help me identify my PO4 test kit!

    i can't use it, as someone threw away the instructions with the box. :D